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Am I the only one who uses milky way molds?

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I have a ton of MW molds from my M&P days, and I still use them occasionally for CP. I think the most I have of the same 'kind' of mold is 6, so for a large batch, I'd want all the same shapes for a particular scent...that's why I use my Kelsei slabs of Upland logs. I do use them for 'overpours' also, sometimes purposely making a larger batch to get some 'detailed' soaps out of it.

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I've made the mistake of pouring left over castile soap in a mw mold and it's been in there for nearly two months now..LOL i froze it and tried all the tricks..nothing works. Guess I will have to use it in the mold:laugh2: :laugh2:

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for a castille, I'd rub a little mineral oil on the MW mold before pouring. It won't saponify, and unmolding wouldn't be a problem. I also gel in my MW molds...I just cover them with saran wrap, then a few heavy towels or in the summer...put them out in the sun. They gel fine, and no damage to the molds.

edited to add...most of my recipes have lard and tallow and cocoa butter, so unmolding a detailed MW bar has never been a problem for me...they pop right out.

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I used mineral oil and it's still stuck. I haven't had any problems with my other formulas just this freakin castile!

I'm assuming by 'all the tricks' you've tried freezing. How about running the blade of a small paring knife around the tops of the soaps. Freeze, then remove from the freezer and run some HOT water over the backs of the mold...then turn over, press gently on the backs of the mold. If they don't POP out, leave them upside down, and when the soaps warm up, they may fall out on their own. I've had some that were a bitch to get out, but they eventually did.

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The soap have already broken the seal around the edge from all the weird stuff I've done to it. Yep, I froze it, pressed it and done everything I could to it and for now it will just have to stay there..LOL I've used this mold before and had no problems. I think my castile is having separation anxiety...:laugh2: my soap needs counseling..:laugh2:

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