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KY Soy Whip?


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Does anybody find the consistancy on the soy whip to be kinda rubbery? I whipping the crap out if it and even added a bit of grapeseed oil and ots better but still not fluffy like I tought it would be :confused: .. Am I doing something wrong or is this the way it is?



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Ahh haaa! Thats kinda what I thought! :mad: The more I play with it the more I don't like it, its yucky! I have heard about people having probelms with it molding! Thats not a bit good!

Thanks for responding ladies!!! :grin2:


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I had been using it for sometime, and my customers all loved it. Never had an issue with molding either, but I really didn't keep it that long. Usually had people standing in line for the next batch.

You may want to order some samples from the candlemaker's store, I received some of their Natural Soy Thick Heavy Cream Lotion and it's about the same consistency as the Ky Soy Whip, but seems to be a little creamier and less rubbery. Don't know how well it mixes up though, never got around to trying it. Maybe somebody else can chime in.


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