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Water Discount Question


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Hello all,

I am sure this has already been asked, but I cannot find it, so if you dont mind, would like to ask. Can you use a 50/50 lye/water solution on any CP recipe? I tried one that was already discounted that way, and it worked great. I had better luck that way, than with the water the soap calcs call for. TIA.

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It's hard to get all the lye dissolved if you're not using much water. 50/50 would be a really strong solution. In my experience, that little water makes it hard to get all the lye dissolved. You have to stir your brains out, and even then, sometimes you can't get it all.

Personally, I don't like to use that little water. Plus you risk more problems with ricing, seizing, etc.


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I've never used a 50% lye solution, but with a 45% solution (45% lye, 55% water), I have no problem at all getting the lye dissolved.

The reason for using more water is to slow down the process. If you're using fragrances that accelerate, or if you want to do some fancy swirling, slowing things down can be good. If you're using non-spice EOs or an FO that you know behaves itself, stronger lye solutions are not a problem, even with a formula that's high in solid fats.

I'm generally more comfortable with a 36 to 38% solution, but I do use 45% for my peppermint soap.

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Forgot to mention that although I seldom discount my water, when I do, I'm perfectly happy with a 33% solution. That's a final mixture of 1/3 lye and 2/3 water, so you calculate your lye, then double that figure for the water amount. Works fine for castiles. They are actually hard enough to unmold and cut (even in my humid climate) the next day.


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On the rare occasion that I discount my water, it's never more than 40%.

I personally wouldn't do it unless I was extremely familiar on how the FO/recipe reacts to the lye solution. I wouldn't even attempt a floral. My theory is, the soap has to cure 4-6 weeks regardless. So I usually do not tempt fate. The soap fairies are miserable, sneaky little people. LMAO! ;)

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