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Everything posted by lee1965

  1. I have had Taylored Concepts dupe scents for me in the past. It didnt cost at that time. I dont think they have changed. Robert did a great job on my duplications.
  2. Hello all, I am sure this has already been asked, but I cannot find it, so if you dont mind, would like to ask. Can you use a 50/50 lye/water solution on any CP recipe? I tried one that was already discounted that way, and it worked great. I had better luck that way, than with the water the soap calcs call for. TIA.
  3. Hello, I am still new here, so forgive me for jumping in, but would anyone have a page done with Vodahost SoHo I could look at?? I have a website, but its not the best in the world, and am looking at other options.. Thank you for letting me butt in..
  4. OMG!! Just got my first Daystar samplers and they are awesome. Goodlookin' Cowboy, can't wait to soap that one !! Precious Memories, Lavander, Apache Tears and Paradise. They are all wonderful!!!:whoohoo:
  5. Hi all, Still kinda new here, been lurking for a while, but just got e-mail that Daystar is extending free shipping a couple of days. Will definately have to try some of Stacy's fragrances now.. They sound sooo wonderful!!
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