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Modge Podge

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Does Wal Mart sell this or do I have to go to a craft store. Also Dollar Stores???? Lately my Wal Mart has been out of everything. I am in a hurry this week for a show and had to turn in my products.Try to buy a color cartridge and out them(ones I need) So husband had to stop on way home from work. Other day one section of the frozen food was empty.I wondered if some kind of problem with what was in the cat food.

Oh and slightly off topic. Speaking of Wal Mart, the reasonable store now has their cat food and dog food the same price as Friskies, Meow Mix etc. Only maybe 22 cents cheaper. UUUURRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: I feed strays and have my own pets. Sorry to rant. Just happened this week-end.


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I thought I answered this earlier. Thank You I won't have to go 25 miles to a craft store. I did go to Wal Mart and wouldnt you know I forgot to see if they had it. This store has been out of alot lately.Or else poor stocking???

I really need it for my buckets to prevent leaking. For sure will check next time I walk in that store. I need to write myself notes.

Thanks Again


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One on the Wally World's here in town has completely removed it's craft and fabric department. I talked to a freind of mine who is the manager of the craft department at another Wally World and she tells me that her store will also close her department. How can you have a Wally World with out a fabric & craft dept?


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The craft and fabric area of the "Super" Walmart here is very disappointing. I've noticed it shrinking a bit over the last year, too. I don't understand what their problem is because there is not a fabric or craft store in town to give any competition to sales. The closest is 35 mi away in Myrtle Beach. None of us here go to Myrtle Bch unless it's a dire emergency because of the traffic! Heck, our Big Lots even closed last year.

I do notice that they have a lot of space devoted to those cheap toiletry gift sets, though.

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I've heard that all Walmart/Supercenters will be closing down their fabric/craft departments and replacing with furniture type stuff. I think it's stupid because so many small town women rely on Walmart for fabric so they don't have to make the 20-30 mile drive to a larger town. Walmart should think of their customers...not themselves. Ginger

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Well I didn't go to my Wal Mart about 10 miles.I stopped on the way back from the doctor to a brand new Wal Mart(25 miles from me). I mean the biggest in the state of Ohio. The town I live near has a huge craft section and the aisles are so small you have to squeeze in. This store you can get 3 carts to a aisle.UNREAL.So I look for craft section. All signs say everything but crafts. Not one said Crafts with a pointing arrow. Looked and said garden but didn' t want to go any further. After being through almost all the store I finally asked the jewelry dept" Do you have craft section"? Yes back by the garden. See where the big scissor is. Hey I kept looking at signs/arrows and not almost to the ceiling for a scissor. BUT the jewelry lady did inform me NO material.UUMMMM!!!!!!!!! I wonder if she has been asked before

This will be bad if they do away with some of the crafts. Should we picket? I get alot there. Jars, buckets, some material and my ribbon. Also get my ties for my car fresheners. The closest craft store is 25 miles and those stores are HIGH. What a bummer.

Oh I did get my modge podge but the lady(craft dept) I asked didn't know what it was. She asked me. I said "Well I just know it a sealer for my candle buckets" .She learned something new. Also the guy who put it on the shelf had to tell us where it was. He said he only knew where it was because he put it there. WOW what I went through and then it cost almost $7.00.

I feel like I Have been through the ringer just for Modge Podge. And now fine out crafts are dwindling at Wal Mart. This store had a big furniture place. Maybe why NO Material. They have been planning this. I am going to my craft dept tonight and hope someone is back there.They have gobs of material.


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Anyone know how long I should wait to make bug-less candles after I use the Modge Podge in my buckets. Says it dries in 25 minutes but to me a little soon. A few hours,a day, or what do any of you think? I don't want leaking. :confused:


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Lynn, after a bunch of mistakes and leaking, I found that I did best with 3 coats. I'm not sure what kind of buckets you are using, but I am referring to the galvanized tin buckets that I got at Walmart in the craft section. I've also done candles in terra cotta pots, and I've started using 3 coats with these as well. I let each coat dry a minimum of 16-24 hours. Ever since I've started taking these precautions, I've had no leakage or problems.

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Thank You I thought 2 coats would do it. I do get mine at Wal Mart but found some super large buckets at the Dollar Store. Rather stay with 16 ounces(Wal Mart). I had no leakage with that jumbo thing till at the very end of the bucket. Only around the rim. So poured another thinking no problem like the first large bucket and OMG wax was coming out as soon as I poured it(at the bottom).Didn't happen the first time.

So now I have a worry. I am doing a show this week-end and so wanted to do these candles. I guess not now. I did a thick coat and thicker in some spots. OH well better wait. Also I see where you waited for 24 hours. I put my coats on one right after the other.


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Forgot, Did you do the WHOLE bucket or just around bottom rim???

What I might do is just pour around the bottom about 4 ounces,test and see how that does. I don't expect a miracle but wonder if I should do the whole bucket. Forgot about that since those big buckets were just around the end of burn time and rim. Really burned clean with 2 med wicks and that 32 ouncer.


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I coat the entire inside top to bottom. After a very big mess using one coat, I just went to three coats and have not had a leakage since. I've burned several in 3 different sizes. I double wicked all of them. Mine are generally done as fruit buckets with embeds on top.

I did make sure that there was a buildup of extra around that bottom seam. I also waited 16-24 hrs between coats.

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OK I thought with the 32 ouncer and it was just at the very end of burn (I got the leaking) I would be OK to do more 32 ouncers(a few more) and just mod podge the bottom. The candle was so perfect till the end. Very clean with 2 med wicks and the bucket did not get hot.That was my 32 ounce.I know not not so. Cannot take a chance.

Now for the 16 ounce I THOUGHT I would use a large wick since 1/2 the size of the other bucket. I guess I will do a mass burning and mod podge the whole bucket and burn the candle continually for a couple days. Well more than that. Summer will be over before I get these suckers(not the bugs) but the candle perfected. :rolleyes2 Looks like the bugs at my house will be flying all summer and I won't be selling these candles anytime soon(summer shows) Cold weather will kill the bugs off by the time I get this done. Summer shows will be over. To early for this week-end sales.

I am so glad you posted this. All the testing you did. I guess you never think that maybe one bucket only leaks till you get to the bottom but another bucket(same type) could leak all over. I see a little more cost for these(ching ching).

Was at the store the other day and a lady picked up a citronella candle in a pretty red, white and blue bucket. If not to expensive I might get one and see if these leak. I bet they do but I don't want the problem. When I see people buying the Dollar Store candles I want give out my card. I am going to do that. Really. WHY because I brought one and it burned all of 10 hours and also I had enough for a tart. Scent wasn't bad but really I wouldn't pay any more bucks. I just wanted to see what people buy. So now gotta get that citronella candle(hate the scent) but will get it to see how bad it is.

I have never had to work on anything so hard. My testing of candles was simple but this is a bear. AND knowing I MIGHT not sell any. I won't give up. If not perfected this summer they will be sold next year.

This bucket is causing a RANT. Back to my mod podging. UURRRRR!!!!!!!!


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I gave up on the hope of selling any citronella candles here over a year ago. We have heat and mosquitos pretty much year round, so everyplace--dollar stores, grocery, Walmart, hardware--sell them for CHEAP. They might not be worth a crap, but people buy plenty. I bought at least a dozen of various ones to try and found them to be no help whatsoever with the bugs. I finally bought a couple of bug zappers for patio parties and burned up my stock of "outdoor" candles for ambience.

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Glad you posted all of this info from the start or it would have been a bummer for me.

OMG if you didn't sell them I am sure I won't. I thought something different but sure when I say more than $5.00 they will go to Wal Mart. I use Lemongrass (I can stand that better) and some candlemakers say it works. I tested my 32 ounces in the house just to see how good it smells. It does smell good and preferred that over Citronella. I guess if you purchased store bought and none worked than people wasted their money with the cheap candles. So they get ate up with mosquitos anyway. It would be a lesson learned.

I guess that could be a selling point. The cheap candles don't work and you would be wasting your money. Now IF they buy it.

It is hot/warm here from maybe May-first of October. Now though the bugs are bad because no rain (couple quick downpours) in over a month. Really hot and dry so it is buggy. I am still at it(podging). IF (a big if) I sell these this year(a rush) then next year I will START making them in March.

Today I am going to move on to something different. My scented rose petals and finish making more candles that will sell. I am really loving these summer sales (all but the heat). I have learned people want candles in the summer and didn't think that way before.

Thank You


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