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Odds and Ends

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I have some odds and ends of slabs of different container wax. I even have 25# of that oiee gooie vaseline IGI wax.

I want to put them all in one pot and melt them down to make firestarters or something (any suggestions)....my only thing is that container waxes are fairly soft, is there something I can add to it to make it a harder wax so it isn't so soft?

I do intent to pay attention to what and how much I am putting in the pot and pouring one jar candle, who knows, I may come up with the ultimate formula for container candles! LOL

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Thanks all

I know Smoky, I mentioned that in my post, never know what you will discover! hehe

So the IGI vaseline, won't harden, geez, knew I hated that stuff.

Anyone want to buy it??

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The IGI wax..........4627, will stay soft and not harden up with anything added to it. Just use it for containers or sell it!

By itself, I agree with you but I blend it with my soy. I make tarts and candles with the blend. My tarts are hard and my candles are purdyyyy lol

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I think you would lose the magnificent throw of the 4627 by mixing it with anything. To blend it with anything you would have to use much less of it to get any hardness..........therefore negating the reason for buying it. The wax alone is known for it's hot and cold throw and the amount of fragrance load it can handle. JMHO! It's the only container wax I ever use because of it's performance.

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Gotcha Indy

I see it is a fav of yours. I hate it, hate it, sorry. Just to messy for me...

So It is going to go with all my other slabs of wax that I have here that were for testing that I don't like, including my soy flakes, soy blends, pillar, votive, container, etc.

I have wayyyyy to many and to much. I will get it all ready to melt up in another month or so and start making fire starters with it.

I don't usually do firestarters as they are not really needed on the west coast but I have some east coast customers that may like them. I will include it as freebies with orders.

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