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Can anyone tell me what c3 wax is and who supplies it?

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Here's a description from Candle Science (www.candlescience.com):

"Cargill NatureWax C-3 is a 100% soy wax for container candles, tealights, and candle tins. This newest container blend from Cargill produces a much smoother top than the previous blends. That combined with good wax adhesion and color stabilization makes for a fantastic 100% pure soy wax."

They sell 10 lbs. for $12.95; and a 50 lb. case for $49.95.

(www.fillmorecontainer.com sells a case for $40 - this is the cheapest I could find)

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This is an email I got from Mary at Cargill when I asked her ..

"Thanks for the inquiry. Our wax is made from soybean oil which is under the classification of vegatable oils. The product contains a certain amount of additives to help improve functionality but does not contain botanical oils. If you would like to forward your address, I can put some information in the mail to you."


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I don't think "who has the best price" is the correct question. It should be "who is my closest supplier"? Adding the cost of shipping across several states can make a better priced wax more expensive. That being said, maybe this can help.


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Are there any benefits to using c3 over ez soy?I already get a smooth top with my current soy.Does it have better scent throw or something like that?I have read some posts where the c3 doesn't adhere to the jar sides very well...I don't use any color in my candles or additives so maybe it wouldn't be worth changing waxes...Anyone use the c3 with good results as far as throw and adhesion to the jar?Thanks!I know,I should probably just get a small amount and test for myself..!

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I have had good luck with scent throw using C-3 and the glass adhesion is about the same as all the other waxes I've tested...some don't shrink until they have cured for weeks. I personally like the C-3, but I can get it locally. You might want to find out which wax you can get at a good price (including shipping) and work with that one...only if you are making candles to sell, because high cost of containers and wax really dip into the profits. I pay less than $1.00/# if I pick it up and right around $1.25 if I have GenWax ship it (but I live about 50 miles from them.) I also use containers from them because you can easily double the price by having them shipped out of state.


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If you are anywhere near Southern California, Gen Wax carries it. Cargill will also give you suppliers in your area.
The link I posted is from Cargill. Cargill's line of soy based candle wax is NatureWax.

I just thought I'd add that because no one calls it NatureWax. It's either C-3, P-1 or V-1.

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We too used ezsoy and switched to c-3 ONLY because we can now get it locally. I loved the ezsoy and I do prefer it over the c-3. I think in has a better scent throw, maybe not but it seems like it to me. Keep in mind when thinking of switching all the testing, testing and more testing. It cost us a lot of time and money testing 30 scents in 3 sizes. Major pain, but we were spending as much for shipping as on the wax so our profit margin will make worth it in the end. If you do switch we had most success with the premier wicks from www.wickit.net. They will send you lot's of samples to work with. They are wonderful. Good luck to you. Karen

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