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Pure Soy Comparison Test-Ecosoya CB,Cargill C-3,Golden Grands 415

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Has anyone done a comparison test of these three Pure Soy Waxes: Ecosoya CB, Cargill C-3 and Golden Grands 415? If so, what results did you find? I have been soley testing w/Ecosoya and am contemplating testing the other two waxes. I know testing is very individual and the universe has to be aligned just right sometimes to make it work but would appreciate any feedback anyone has.

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I tested the Ecosoya Advanced and while I love the low melt point and the softness of the candle, I don't like the tunnels it gets and it doesn't seem to have any better glass adhesion than C-3. I also tested a few that I couldn't find out what they were because they were "renamed." I have the 415, but haven't tested it yet...will let you know if I like it better. I think the bigger issue for me is cost. I can keep my costs way down using C-3 and if I could find a wax that would save tons of time it would be worth it, but so far each one has its own set of problems! This is my personal opinion, but find a wax that you can get at a reasonable price with shipping and if you like it...work through the issues. The only problem I have with C-3 is the circular cracks and I started torching the top to remove it after 12 hours...so far for me, it has worked every time. HTH

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Thanks - appreciate it. I'll let you know what I find if I test the other waxes. So far it looks like I will have to always preheat my jars with the Ecoysoya Pure CB. Which I dislike cause that's one more step.

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