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Wax for hair removal and styling

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ok with all the different wax we use, is thier a certain kind one can use for ing removing hair? The small container I bought was expensive. I melt it in microwave then apply then pull it off. Also what about wax for styling hair. I spend a fortune on hair products and I probally have the same stuff sitting in my basement. Anyone out there in wax world know????????

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Don't even try this. I am a hairdresser and I also do body waxing. If you don't know what you doing you could really damage your skin.. I have seen this could cause a lot of scaring.. you have to know what direction to pull and you pretty much need two hands ( for holding skin and pullin off strip) the waxes are to different chemical makups.You could use parrafin for hand treatments. This wax is not suitable for the hair. It will never rinse out. Hair waxes are mixed with other thing to make them able to be broken down with shampoos.:confused::shocked2: Hope this helps!

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You would need to ask on the B&B portion of these boards. But I'm busy ready from the very last page up to the first page and thus far I haven't seen anyone try this product. I'd certainly want to know that the person who made it had some experience in body waxing though. JMO


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You have to use a special product. Not the kind of wax we use for candles. I was an estetitian for years and am an expert on body waxing (ouch).....if you want to learn....practice on your arm first .....not a place that could do damage to your skin. The arm or upper thigh is very easy.....It takes time to learn to do it well. I can do it to myself now and it doesn't hurt. But everyone has different hair. I use to do mens legs who were bicycle riders....some had hair like paint brush bristles.....I had to get out the industrial wax (smile)....take it slow. Waxing can cost a lot in a salon, but they usually know what they are doing. Donita


My favorite wax is made with honey.

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