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Concern about placing labels on the lids

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I've read a few posts on here where some prefer to place their candle labels on the lids instead of on the container itself.

When I used to purchase candles, I would always throw the lid away....I don't like to have them just lying around. I would think that there are others out there who do the same thing.

Sooooo....if a person buys a candle from you and you only place the label on the lid......(1) how are they going to remember where they bought the candle from, and (2) how will they remember the scent name? (if they are throwing away the lids)

Do you just pray they have a good memory, or is there something I'm missing?

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I don't label lids for that reason & I have a store and if the label was on the lid a customer might put the wrong lid on the wrong scent.

I only label the side (if you can stick a labele their) and bottom of the jar. On the bottom my warning label has my info Company name curved around the top and compamy address & telephone number curved around the bottom, the warning info is straight across with scent name placed in their. See attached...


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I had my warning labels made by Labels by the Sheet with all of my information on it. I have labels on my tops of my tins, but on my jars I have it on the side. Something I noticed last year was when people are looking at your candles they always look on the bottom too.

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Candleman, would you mind sharing where you purchase those labels? TIA Portia

They are vinyl labels and I print them myself. They are 1.67" circle & 24 per sheet.

The picture does not show them justice because that is a scanned image. In real life they are crisp and clear on a white label.

If anybody would be interested, I can print you 1 full sheet of labels as many as you want, PM me.

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I actually put labels on the jar with my company info and candle info. I put a label on the top with the scent. If they throw away the lid, they just can't remember the scent it is. Which happens. :) This is for my smaller jar.

I would say it depends on what type of jar you are using. For example, my 24 oz jars are the elevation jars, which are your average looking 24 oz jar, similar to Yankee's. I looked at it with just a label on the side and nothing on the top, and it looked incomplete, because you could look down and see the wicks. It was like there was something missing. So, I put a label on the front and one on the top, with the same info. If you notice Yankee's, they have a label on the jar, but their lid is custom made with their name in the glass, so you don't see just the top of the candles with some wicks. You see their company name.


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