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Narrow container, soy/parrafin wax and soot

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I have switched to a glass tumbler that is more narrow than the previous tumber I had been using. I am using a soy/paraffin wax and I have noticed that I now have soot on my containers . This usually only happens once the candle burns down past the middle. This is also the point where my wick will begin a bouncing flame. I know that the bouncing flame is due to the air flow in the container but could this also be what is causing the soot issue?

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Your candle is probably being starved for oxygen. Tall thin jars will have that happen. If your blend doesn't smoke in wide open jars, and it does it the tall one, it's probably not getting enough air to the wick.


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Thanks, that's what I was thinking might be the problem. When I use the same FO and wax in a wider container it is rare that I have any soot. Of course I have a large stock of these narrow ones.:sad2:

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