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Feathering palm wax and molds

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Hi all, I'm getting mad with my feathering palm pillars not coming out of the molds.

First I was using feathering palm wax from Candlewic. Now I'm using feathering palm from Nu Scents. This second releases a bit better but pillars don't slip out of molds. I noticed that the problem is worst with aluminum molds, while with tin molds is easier.

If I look at the pillar in the mold is well separated from mold's sides. I tried unmolding while it was warm but it didn't help.

But why is this happening?? The crystalizing palm wax doesn't do so!

Oh and while I'm at it, do you know why feathering palm wax is reccomended for votives while crystalizing is not?

I think they have the same MP..


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I have both starburst & feather from candle science. I have made pillars from both waxes in aluminum mold and both have slid right out of the mold. I sprayed a tiny bit of silicone spray in the mold (very little) and un molded when the candle was a bit warm, because I couldn't wait. But I haven't had any problem at all with them sliding right out. Did you use anything in your molds? Don't know if thats the answer or not! Dee

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I have both starburst & feather from candle science. I have made pillars from both waxes in aluminum mold and both have slid right out of the mold. I sprayed a tiny bit of silicone spray in the mold (very little) and un molded when the candle was a bit warm, because I couldn't wait. But I haven't had any problem at all with them sliding right out. Did you use anything in your molds? Don't know if that's the answer or not! Dee

I've had the same problem with NuScents feather wax. I've never heard of feather wax only being for votives though. I made some feather wax in my votives & couldn't get'em out. I had to remelt mine down to even start over. They were not releasing at all, I'm wondering if its a supplier thing. I haven't ordered from Candlewic so can't help you there.

Nuscents said they might have sent me container wax instead by mistake, but my bag said pillar. It wasn;t releasing on the sides at all though. I started using it in the containers.

They were real nice & sent me 5# of again what was said to be feather pillar wax, but again it wasn't releasing, but was separating from the sides a little. i'm wondering if it's just the feather wax.

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Thank you Kay.

The more I think of it the more it seems a problem of this wax. I also tried adding stearic acid..

I can tell you Nuscents wax works better than candlewic's in my opinion.

But the problem remains.

I love the wax but i can't fight with any pillar I make!!!!

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Thank you Kay.

The more I think of it the more it seems a problem of this wax. I also tried adding stearic acid..

I can tell you Nuscents wax works better than candlewic's in my opinion.

But the problem remains.

I love the wax but i can't fight with any pillar I make!!!!

I've had great luck with CS (Candle Science)..thinking of ordering Glass Glow as soon as it comes in. I want to do strickly palm one day....but alot of testing stil has to be done on the container wax.seeing i havent started, its gonna be awhile..I have my forever palm pillars down though..Except for the one i did yesterday..amn it was ugly!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure what happend...:mad:

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I use Candlewics palm and unmold while it's still very hot, I use pam spray on the inside of my molds and I have never ever had a problem getting them out of the mold ( with a huge knock on wood!! )

Also I do mix the crystal and feather at around 50/50 so that may have something to do with it??

Sorry you're having that problem.

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I use CAndle Science feather palm wax and my pillars just slide out. I dont use any spray.The same thing with the tortoise palm. I love it. I wish I had my forevers down, they crumble when I unmold them.

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I use Candlewics palm and unmold while it's still very hot, I use pam spray on the inside of my molds and I have never ever had a problem getting them out of the mold ( with a huge knock on wood!! )

Also I do mix the crystal and feather at around 50/50 so that may have something to do with it??

Sorry you're having that problem.

How do you unmold them so hot when you need to do a repour? I poke relief holes and keep them open until the pillar has cooled down. Then fill the holes and after a short time make my "beautiful bottom" repour!

So I have cold pillars.

Sorry I just don't get it!!

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I thought the point of the wax was to let it cool as slow as possible. I put mine on a rack and cover them with a styrofoam cooler. Then forget them till :confused: the next day. I also never have to do relief holes and second pours. Am I doing something wrong???

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I thought the point of the wax was to let it cool as slow as possible. I put mine on a rack and cover them with a styrofoam cooler. Then forget them till :confused: the next day. I also never have to do relief holes and second pours. Am I doing something wrong???

Hi Cindy, I don't know if all palm waxes do the sam but the ones I tried did... the have big holes under the bottom's surface.. sometimes I can even see the holes under the cooled surface. I poke big reliefe holes and when I refill them I can actually see the wax running somewhere inside the candle, probably it runs to fill the other "caves" I don't see. It's very different from paraffin. once I discovered one of this caves leveling the bottom on the electric plate. You can try with one pillar and see what happens.


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I cool my palm pillars slowly. Actually I put them in a styrofoam cooler and let them cool overnight. Next morning they slide right out of the mold. I have never had any hangup or need to tug at them.

Jan, my pillars are cooling slowly because here we have 86 F now (not today because it's raining). I poured them at evening when i come back from work, usually fill the reliefe holes in the late evening or in the next morning then unmold when I come back from work.. basically they stay 24 hours in the mold.

I'm not sure why I'm having this problem with feathering wax and absolutely not with crystalizing wax!

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