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Coffee soap - blech! Did I do that?


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I tried making one of those CP recipes for a kitchen soap that uses coffee grounds, that are good for getting things like onion & garlic off your hands. I kept seeing recipes on lots of sources, all basically just using strong coffee for the lye water and adding the grounds at trace, all with rave reviews. So I made it, with a simple coconut, lard, olive & castor oil, just a pound. After I unmolded and cut it, over the next day or so I kept getting whiffs of, well, mildewed garbage, which I finally realized was the soap - the deodorizing soap. I toughed it out for a couple of days more, hoping it would go away while it cured, but couldn't stand it any more & just threw it with the rest of the garbage. Geez, I could have used that lard to make tamales. I mean, sure, maybe it would have taken onion smell from my hands, but only by replacing it with that nasty stench. Is there some trick to this kind of recipe that I missed?


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