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Testing a new Shape

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Greetings, I think this is actually my first post! But I've been reading for a while.

I'm testing a new candle, 2" wide by 6.5" high. I'm not sure how they're supposed to burn actually. I purchased a candle of this size and shape and it burned down about an inch before a hole opened up in the side and the liquid wax made its escape (all over the place.)

In this photo, my handmade candle has been burning for two hours. I'm just wondering how they're supposed to burn when they burn properly.




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That burn looks good except the flame is to big and needs to be trimmed. It will most likely blow as it burns down further, like the candle you had did. I think you need to wick down one size and post more pics, with that size wick.

Forgot to mention - It looks like you have that candle in a draft as the top right looks thiner than the left plus the flame ti to big.

BTW - Two hours is the longest that size candle should burn. You should bur a pillar candle for 1 hour for each inch in diameter. That's a 2" candle should burn for 2 hours. Yes, I know customers don't know this, don't read or don't listen and will marathon burn them for many hours. If that is the case then that candle will not last much more than 2 hours till the wax runs down the side.

I make my pillar candles to burn 1 hour for every 1 inch in diameter. I tell the customer, and have written instructions. If they don't follow my instructions and it spills over, then it's their falt.

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The wick definitely needs to be trimmed. It's still burning away without dripping or anything. Wouldn't it be a huge waste to burn the candle for just 2 hours and toss it out? Or do you mean 2 hours at a time?

This one has now been burning for close to 5 hours and is 6 inches tall. I also added a picture of the store-bought candle that died.

I don't think there's a draft in here --I was probably breathing on it while I took the picture.

I'm using the Medium Flat Braid from Yaley's (which is right across town, incidentally.)

I was trying to make soy candles and completely gave up. They're just a pain in the arse, so I took a break to make some of these tall pillars instead.




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Oh... that thing on the right that looks like it could be a drip is actually the seam. I didn't bother cleaning that off since I'm just testing anyhow.

I should add that the white one had only burned for a couple of hours before escaping.

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Yes I do mean 2 hours each burn, bucause it's a 2 inch diameter.

In candle terms, that is called a blow out, on that white candle.

Just to let you know, my 3X6 inch candles will burn for a total of 120 hours, with just a sliver at the bottom.

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Thanks so much Pam! I tried to create a Pomegranate color to go with the scent. For these candles I used the pillar blend from Cierra Candles, but I'm considering trying Yaley's, due to the fact that I don't have to pay any shipping.

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