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Crockpot soap ?


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Ok, I broke down, got lye, got oils and tried the simple beginners recipe here.

14.4 oz Olive

8 oz lard

8 oz coconut

1.6 oz castor

Followed the directions for the crockpot method here, and now for the question.

How long do I leave it alone before I can cut it up and use it?

Take pity on the newbie please?

Thanks for the thoughts.


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As soon as the soap is cooled and firm (few hours) you can unmold and cut.

Ready to use, but letting them dry out for a couple weeks ,at least, will give you a harder longer lasting bar.;)

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No, you have it wrong~"sit and wait"

Take one bar and immediately head for the shower.

It won't last long, but how can you resist?!! LOL:yay:

It's a good test as to the mildness of the bar, although they

get better with age. Congrats on your first batch of HP:highfive: !!

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Well, it did lather really well when I washed it all out! Like I told my BF, I think I just made soap!!! He thinks I am crazy. :embarasse He is right though

Well then we are all crazy because I do the same thing evertime I make soap. I never wait to try the first bar from the batch. But I alway wait at least 48 hours before giving away any bars or selling them. Soap is like fine wine, it gets better with age....hmm...maybe I should write that on my packaing??!!?:P

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Ok, I broke down, got lye, got oils and tried the simple beginners recipe here.

14.4 oz Olive

8 oz lard

8 oz coconut

1.6 oz castor

Followed the directions for the crockpot method here, and now for the question.

How long do I leave it alone before I can cut it up and use it?

Take pity on the newbie please?

Thanks for the thoughts.


Wait, schmait. With HP, even *I* fire up a bar right away if I wanna! :grin2:

As the others said, though, it will harden up as it dries out, so it will last longer if you give it a few weeks of airing. But one small bar out of the batch? Ain't gonna kill you to have that one mysteriously go missing and end up in your shower, by ACCIDENT. :wink2: LOL

Congrats on your first batch! WTG! :yay:

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Thanks AJ!

And its funny, they have multiplied to three batches now! I seem to have caught the bug. Now if I can only work up the nerve to try CP.

I have used up almost all the coconut oil, bought more olive oil, and have been searching for others. I did get some grapeseed, and sweet almond and have been playing on the soapcalc.

I have it bad.:embarasse

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Thanks AJ!

And its funny, they have multiplied to three batches now! I seem to have caught the bug. Now if I can only work up the nerve to try CP.

I have used up almost all the coconut oil, bought more olive oil, and have been searching for others. I did get some grapeseed, and sweet almond and have been playing on the soapcalc.

I have it bad.:embarasse

If you can do Hp, you can do cp. It's the same thing only you wait for your lye to cool down a bit and you pour it in the mold right after trace. No putting in the crockpot.

Cover the mold to insulate, wait 24 hours, cut, cure for 3-4 weeks and use.

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