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Bottled Gel for Simmer Pots?

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I've seen a few people carry this under different names, and I was wondering if anyone had a recipe.

See this link for an example of what I'm talking about:


Does this stuff work? Is it dangerous? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!! :)



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Judging by the pic and the way the substance is sitting, I think it's more of a watery liquid than lotion like...

My thoughts are it's a watered down FO with some sort of mixing agent. That way it's less 'oil like', still scented and can squirt out a bottle.

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I was thinking maybe they made smelly jelly per instructions but then put it in a blender? But to me it looks more of the consistancy of runny jello... I don't know but I wish I did. But then again maybe the stuff doesn't work that great.

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A few drops of EO in a simmering pot of water works well, I'm assuming FO's would also work, and is as easy and cheap and un-messy as you can get. Why on earth would you need a jelly that you squeeze out of a bottle.

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