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What in the world happened to the Joy wax?

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This is JMO but Joy use to be one of the best waxes I had ever used. A great one pour, colored nicely, not really a problem to wick...I used it for the candles I sell. I tested it for a couple of months with all of my FO's and got the wicking just right. Used Joy for awhile and ordered my usual wax stock, made my candles for sale and tested one as I always do. Big mistake right there, I should have only made one and then did a test. I just got so comfortable with the wax always being the same that I didn't think about possible problems. I should have known something was wrong because the wax even looked different. I had sink holes and the worse wet spots I have ever had with a wax. The cold throw was ok but the killer was when I tested and my previously tested wick suddenly didn't create a full melt pool. I tested another candle and another... Nothing was working like it had in the past. I reported the problem to the supplier and was told that it could be expected! :mad: :mad: Maybe in their business it could be but not in mine. I can't have customers waiting around while I start all over again. Not long after that I saw they a message up on their site about not taking refunds and that the wax can be expected to change sometimes. So I scrap the wax and start all over with a new wax. Hoping things had changed I tested again and I think it is even worse. The wax use to be a really good product but I don't have time or money to keep wasting on it anymore.

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I tried Joy Wax also, and had different problems-a white crusty appearance to the candle where it pulled away from the jar wall. I contacted the supplier and their response in effect was "you'll get that, and have a nice day". Most of the vendors I deal with have excellent customer service when it come to complaints. They, like me, realize that customer complaints offer an opportunity to cement long lasting relationships, by proving that they really want to be a long term supplier, not just sell something once.

That supplier has some good FO's, so I still buy from them, but I they are no longer one of my favorites.


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That's the same attitude I got from them when I told them about the problem. Not that it matters to them at all but they lost my business. There are a lot of candle suppliers out there so thank heavens I don't have to put up with that poor service.

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I had over 100 lbs! A total waste!!!

I also used to use Joy Wax before all the changes. It WAS a wonderful wax . . .too bad NG messed with it.

I wouldn't waste any that you have left. Use it for tarts, wax dipped bears, fire starters or something other than candles. I know it doesn't ease the pain but atleast it won't be a total waste.

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JMO but it was too soft for tarts and oddly it really did not give a good throw from the wickless!! Which is odd to me! Maybe I can mix it with another wax and use for tarts and wickless just so it won't be a totally loss.They did an excellent job of totally messing this wax up. I would even have to do a repour because it now sinks. In the past this was always described on their site as a one pour. I'm not doing a repour for a what is suppose to be a one pour. I am sorry this happened to others but I am glad to hear that I'm not alone. Does that make sense? :laugh2: I was really disappointed by the way customer service handled this problem. It wasn't treated like a concern by the person I spoke with at all. Some of the basic question I asked seemed to stump them so I got the impression that they never actually made candles. Maybe it was someone filing in for someone and they didn't normally work in that department but I got the same treatment when I e-mailed the company. Even if you don't make candles it isn't a far stretch of the imagination to understand how this would cause a major problem for someone in their business. Starting all over with testing a new wax takes a lot of time and haults production of your current stock. Well, live and learn! It was obvious that my business was not important to them so they loss me as a customer for good. Even if the wax goes back to the way it once was I can't count on them not to do this again. Plus I just don't appreciate the service I received. I went back to paraffin. No wax is perfect but I never had these problems with J50 and J223 and I used both for several years.

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