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Yellowing and fading...yikes!!

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Any help would be appreciated....

A couple of my wholesale customers are having the darker color candles fade and the light colored ones turning a yellowish hue. I use the recommended amount of UV in all my candles. These candles are a few months old. Some are near light and other are not and it is still happening.

One white candle contains some vanilla,but we have tried to combat the "yellows" with UV AND whitening powder. One account put the white ones in a cabinet under the hutch and they are STILL turning yellow.

They are discounting them and letting customers know this will not affect burn or fragrance, but , geez, sure would like to get this fixed....

Any ideas would be appreciated. I am use my own parasoy blend, and have used UV from BCN and Peaks(using recommended amount).

I know some fragrances will tend to do this but hoping UV would solve this.....

Have 30+ wholesale accounts and have only heard this from 2....


Is top out there?:wink2:

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When I lived in Texas and made candles for another person we had trouble with candles fading and changing colors. Part of it was because they were getting alot of direct sunlight because of locations of her displays. Mostly the tops were changing colors. Some of the pink ones would fade to almost white, the whites would turn yellow and so on. Just turning the displays away from the direct sunlight and not putting them directly under the lights in the building helped some but never completely solved the problems. I often wondered if it was because we used powdered dye and dye blocks rather than the liquid dyes but I don't know. Sorry I couldn't help but I'm sure someone will join in with some suggestions. Ginger

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Hi! I had that problem as well and it's the light coming thru windows (sunlight) and flourescent lights can cause fading as well. It's not the dye though. Add some UV Inhibitor to your wax and that will solve the problem. I use Cajun Candles inhibitor and it's wonderful!


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I DO use UV inhibitor, thats why I'm alittle perplexed, I know that all candles will fade over time, and that the UV inhibitor just prolongs it, but these candles are maybe 6 months old... and as for the yellowing in the lighter candles?? Not sure.... thought that would be a FO issue...

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Part of it is your FO. Vanilla is good about yellowing, mulberry is good for fading, some cherries also. The color of your oil will tell you a lot. I also noticed more fading when I used color blocks less now that I use liquid dies mine are from Peak. As far as yellowing is concerned that their is not much you can do use a good UV and keep them out of direct sunlight and away from fluorescent lighting. Yellowing is more of a reaction between the FO and light. Also soy is more pron to yellowing than paraffin. But paraffin will still yellow but at a much slower rate.

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I have a fragrance that I blend that when i first pour it is a beautiful creamy ivory and after a few months it turns more orange yellow. I just attribute it to the blend of fragrances. I dont think it looks bad but it sure looks nicer when i first pour it.

here I made a before and after picture. This is about 3-4months after I first poured the pillar.

Excuse my cruddy picture editing, i'm not a pro...lol


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I say UV and the combo stuff doesn't work no matter who's you use. No one will tell you what it is. They all look different, from powder to granular, yellow to pure white. I have a candle I made 7 yrs. ago when I first started. Don't know the wax except it's paraffin, it's still has no wet spots, none, is bright red, no fading, used color blocks and has a great cold throw and it's in a square jar. If only I had known all this wet spots, fading and such was so inportant I would have kept notes...

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