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Max wattage for electric tart burner?

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I hope this is okay to post here....

I received two beautiful handmade electric tart burners for Mother's Day. The bulbs that came with them were 25 watt. I was wondering what the max wattage for these are?

I've had it turned on for about 30 minutes and it's barely even started warming the plate....at this rate, it will be next Mother's Day before the tart melts. (as you can tell, I'm impatient just a wee bit)

Anyone know the max I can put in this puppy without blowing it up? :)

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It's one of the reasons why I hesitate to buy tart warmers from Levins~ I looked last night and most of their warmerss have the 25 watt bulbs. I wondered if those were hot enough???? I heard others say no! I like their stuff but I want an electric warmers without bulbs!


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I used to have electric tart burners made for me and they heated with a bulb. Initially we sold them with a 40 watt bulb. However, this heat was too hot for the burners (which were ceramic). As the heat increased, the cord melted and the bulb blew up. In some cases the cord was blackened and crisp. A MAJOR fire hazard. We changed them all to a 25 watt bulb and they worked perfectly. It did take a little longer for the wax to melt, but they were much safer. In our case, patience was priceless! HTH

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Someone posted at the same time as I did. I sell a lot of the bulb warmers & have for several years. I have never had a problem usung the 40 watt in the "pot" and the "tea cup" warmer. My daughter keeps hers on 24/7. Carole

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Well, they were purchased from a lady who makes them herself in her personal ceramic workshop. Her instructions did say to not go over 25 watts so I guess I better stick with that....definitely don't want to chance a fire...

And besides, although it is taking a bit longer to melt the tart, it is melting....smells good too....pink grapefruit! Yummy!! :grin2:

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All of my Levine "bulb" warmers come with a 25 watt bulb but have a note in them that says you can use a 40 watt. I do and I get fantastic throw. Happy Mother's Day everyone. Carole


Does Levine sell bulbs or do you buy the 40 watt bulbs yourself? I would imagine that buying them myself, that I save money


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