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It's Mother's Day and I'm doing my favorite thing...

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I got up before everyone, and I am making candles. I went to drop off four candles yesterday that someone ordered and as usual I brought my basket of candles. By the time I got home, I had sold 18 candles! I am having my first candle party/show on Thursday and I sold 1/4 of my stock!

I am so happy! I love this hobby...it's taken me 39 years to find a hobby and I've never enjoyed a creative outlet like this before.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!


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Have fun with your candeling! Let us know how your candle party goes. I am tossing around the idea for a "grand opening" launch of my in-home candle biz. I love to have people over and I can put on quite a spread, but I don't like the "oh I think I have to buy something just to be nice" feeling. :embarasse

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I just started selling and have had just enough orders to get my feet wet. Mostly, I'm enjoying making my candles and giving them as gifts. This really is one of the most pleasurable hobbies I've ever done. I made up a basket containing my special Aroma Buds, a tart burner and assorted tarts/melts and gave them out as gifts yesterday. FUN!

:highfive: Enjoy your candle making and Happy Mother's Day!



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It's Mothers Day, and I'm doing the oddest thing...

Giving first candles made to ex-wife. :lipsrseal

Boy makes candles with Dad. Boy gives candle to mom for the occasion.

Since I wasn't expecting to burn my first candles. In fact, I wanted to make sure I didn't. I randomly picked a huge wick I wouldn't use so I couldn't.

So, It's getting nubbed. My first candle-parenting event is my first candle-son getting his wick chopped off.

But Hapy Mothers day to her. He's very proud of the candle.

Happy Mothers day to all!

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