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A Little Less Stressed

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Your products look nice. You just need to see more of them. Don't be afraid to put more stuff on your shelves.

Also, to brighten up your display use flowers and try pastel colors for your tablecloths. Its spring so people think bright light colors. People will be drawn to color and brightness. JMO

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I like it! I don't think you need your number on that big sign, you don't know who's going to write it down from across the street, and customers aren't likely to write it down. Just have business cards with your contact info. Make sure that drawer with the aluminum bottles won't fall out or the whole thing fall over. Other than that, you've got a little of your own style in the setup, some creativity. Might want to put some taller items in the crate-style shelving. Be prepared for the wind; some of those things look like they can blow down or away.

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Of course, you probably didn't put all of your products on display since you were just trying to get an idea for how it will look, but it looks a little bare. I think too much shelving is exposed.

I would probably line the shelves with posterboard paper or foamcore board (and maybe even put some rubber lining on top of that) to give a solid surface to put more bottles or other items on display.

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Of course, you probably didn't put all of your products on display since you were just trying to get an idea for how it will look, but it looks a little bare. I think too much shelving is exposed.

Ditto. Load your shelves and displays with as much product as they can handle. People like th elook of really full tables.

LOL....At the show I recently did the lady had so many candles on her tables that they were sagging in the middle. She had no other decoration, signs or anything. She did great! Her table was always full and as soon as she sold something she loaded up her table with more candles. I was sure it was going to break, but I guess she knew what she was doing.:wink2:

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I understand tossing the other stuff such as the pics and things like that but around here, booths are just white tables with items set up on them and I'm trying to create a "shopping environment." Around here i actually think that the dark and gloomy will attract since it is not just the typical plain booth. I'm really thinking about leaving the sign at home. All of my prices are on the product info thats in the pic frames so i think thats enough. I also have business cards so... you are right, the sign is not necessary. The drawer with my multi freshener in it won't fall out. I searched forever for a small side table with a drawer that i liked because I've always wanted to make a display that looks like this one does. I will put out a few more products than this but I dont want to have all of my items out due to children and things like that. I see the point of the lining on the shelves but I bought both of those shelves brand new for 18$ and the only reason I got them ose because of the way they look. Up bright and early, 5:30 in the morning. Wish me luck.

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