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Does this look silly??

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So what happens if you run the band up and over instead of across and around? I guess I am also wondering if you don't have enough Dan's bands, why not get more? Or why not look into getting some shrink wrap. I don't think this looks silly, but I think it could look better. JMO.

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Um, I love the labels...and if I am being honest,

The bands to me, look cheap but nice colors.. OOh, Hope that didn't sound as bad as I think. I could see a piece of corrugated cardboard wrapping the soap with the label on that , maybe you could get some colored corrugated. or a different paper like someone else mentioned -card stock. Also, I would make the band slightly larger than the lablel so the band sort of frames the label.

Another thought...You could use a piece of colored tissue paper folded a few times into your band size.

I guess what is throwing me is the craft label -Warm colors- that I love and the colored pastel bands that do accent your soap colors. I just think that the two do not mix well in my eyes...I may be alone her in this thought. But I thought you should hear what my first thought was. Have you tried a different color label? Maybe you could incorporate the band colors into the craft label.

Hope this was helpful

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