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Pillar Blend????

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Okay I'm totally confused here. I poured a pillar last night using a pillar blend from the classifieds sorry I forgot who the supplier is. From my understanding you can't get a rustic from a blend wax. Well this one came out rustic except for about the last 2-3" inches. Which disappointed me very much because I was going for a smooth finish. I poured about 160-165.

Would heating my molds before pouring the wax help? Here is a pic it's not very good for some reason my camera is acting up on me. Also, do you see that red color running straight down on my white. What would cause my mold to do this? I've looked inside the mold I don't see any thing strange and I always clean them out before using again. This one mold only this line always shows up. DAMNDEST thing I've ever seen. I just ordered some new molds.

Hopefully, you can see what I'm talking about. Also, any help/tips on making layers with a smooth finish would be greatly appreciated.


I guess I'll remelt and make solid colors for now.

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Pour hotter. Thin layers in particular may have to be poured extra hot.

Even if you were pouring the whole pillar at once the typical temp would be something like 175-180. Layers often need to be poured hotter than that.

A smooth finish requires the wax to become totally liquid against the side of the mold.

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If you heat your molds, it will also help create a smooth finish. It doesn't need to be real hot, just not cool. I use a blowdryer.

Thank you I repoured it again. I got more of a smooth finish but some of it still had the rustic look so I will try heating them on this next one.

Although I guess these 2 combinations make the candles more unique.

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