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8 Ounce Milk Jugs ????


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Okay I made up some milk bath and put in these jugs. It says they are 8 ounces so I weighed 8 ounces it didn't even any where fill them up. I wound up with them holding about 16 ounces. Has anyone experienced this?

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I get a bit more than 8 oz net in mine with both the basic milk bath recipe from the recipe forum and also the silky suds recipe. I go ahead and fill it even though the bottle says 8 oz. It just looks too empty with 8 oz net.

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Well I packed mine down because I agree they looked too empty with 8 ounces and they will eventually pack down anyway with moving around and such. So I guess I'll just put the total weight as 16 ounces because I filled it to the top of the neck.

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I weigh each bottle as I'm packaging, but I don't really remember what the total turns out--I think 11 or 12 oz. I put net wgt on everything, but I don't on these since the jug has 8 oz on it. I weigh everything, and just about everything is at least a little something over the wgt on the label just to be on the safe side.

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I weigh each bottle as I'm packaging, but I don't really remember what the total turns out--I think 11 or 12 oz. I put net wgt on everything, but I don't on these since the jug has 8 oz on it. I weigh everything, and just about everything is at least a little something over the wgt on the label just to be on the safe side.

I weighed each one as I was packing them also. So are you charging for 8 ozs or 11-12 ozs since you said you didn't put the weight on the labels because it's on the bottle. After all they are getting 11-12 ounces not 8. Sorry for some reason this is a little confusing to me. Having a bad brain moment I guess. :D

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I fill mine to 8 oz. only and it is packed very well. I charge $7.50 for them.

Here is a picture of mine, but I am considering changing the label because of all the color I tend to use up. Since I just started selling these they are doing very well. The pic. isn't great, but the colors are alot more vibrant.



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I love your label. Mine is in color, too, but it doesn't look as nice as yours. I was thinking about changing it and feel I need to do that right away. Mine is too small.

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I like your label too. You could keep the same pic and maybe just print it in black and white. I'm printing my labels in black and white and I tied a black/white checked ribbon around it. The ribbon looks cute. I'll take a pic of it. Is your label a 2x4? I made a template for an oval label that fits it but everything has to be printed way too small.

I am wondering then if my scales may be off because according to it 8 ounces only filled it half full.

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My labels are clear 2x4 and have to be cut just a tiny bit off the bottom, so they fit perfectly. The cows use alot of color and my printer goes through it fast. My ingredients and business info. are each side, because the labels wrap around the jug. I like the ribbon idea, but I mostly sell wholesale and they get wrinkled or come undone by the time they get to their destination, so I keep it simple. I have considered getting a variety of colored lids to add more color, but right now I just have white.

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Thank you for your quick reply and help. The 2x4 clear labels are what I have. Have you found the lids in different colors? If you don't mind my asking how much do you wholesale yours for? I'm working on some things for my first wholesale account. I was thinking that I would price my items 40% off my retail for wholesale.

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Yup, they do come in other colors, like red, green, blue, brown, yellow, orange and pink. I wish they had black, but I don't see that color listed. My wholesale is always half retail price. So I sell mine for $3.75 or 12/$45.00 case. Everything I sell is sold by the case or I wouldn't make any money.

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