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Help w/swirls


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Ok I attempted my first in the mold swirl. This is what it looks like cut, crappy pic but bear with me lol


Anyway I poured the uncolored part first then topped it off with the colored part. Than swirled it around with a knife. Obviously it all stayed on top which is fine. But to get it to swirl through the whole bar, should I be pouring both parts at the same time than knife swirling?

Or should I layer the 2 parts than swirl?

OR should I pour uncolored than colored, swirl then pour the 2 again continuing to layer and swirl?

Alot of Or's huh?

Cant wait to get home from work and do this again! I think I am liking this better than cphp.

Although I need to buy a few more molds. Any recommendations?

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You can do a in the pot swirl where you actually combine the two colors in your soap pot before putting it in the mold:)

This is what I do is I pour about half the uncolored soap. Then I use about half of the colored soap I cut with knife. Then I pour the rest of the uncolored soap and finish with colored soap and cut with knife. This works for me. Hope this help some:)

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I find ITM swirls challenging with log molds. I like to pour two colors simultaneously (50/50) down either side of the mold and then swirl back and forth with a spoon handle. Also you can do in layers as above - pour down a layer of your base color, pour in a thick drizzle of your contrast color and continue. And another option is to pour at thin trace - put your base color in then pour your contrast color in a drizzle pattern from way up high (<12") so that the height forces the colored part to sink down. You can then run a spoon handle or chopstick through it in a direction or two to complete the swirl if you like.

Swirls are tricky - it's a matter of trace thickness and technique. It takes a lot of experimentation.

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Yeah...what everyone else said.....

Now...I like the effect you have there...if it were done w/ yellow on the bottom and maybe an orange-ish red on the top (or the other way around), you'd have sunset colored soaps! I'm thinking Tropical Sunset would be nice....and what you've got there.....Lavendar Vanilla.....Hmpf....I'm going to have to try what you did! :D


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