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Shipping to Canada FYI

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I am on fire right now, so bear with me. :whip:

Since when does Canada not allow shea butter to be shipped across the border? This is absurd. I have shipped many a box over there, and never had an issue. FFS, I live 5 minutes from Canada. Today, the postman drops off a package that was mailed USPS Global Priority to BC a month ago, marked "not admitted to Canada" with this highlighted on a form.

Country Conditions for Mailing:

Prohibitions 130

Oleomargarine and other butter substitutes, including altered or renovated butter.

So this is what I get for telling the truth?

A small package that was less than 4 lbs and cost 16.75 to leave this love letter on my doorstep? Oh whatever. Has anyone else ever experienced something like this? My theory is~ this is unreasonable. Do Canadian B&B makers have to buy within the country to get butters? Sorry for all the questions, but something HAS to give here.

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I am not sure if this will help you, but a couple of days ago I mailed a package internationally (though not to Canada). The postal clerk did not give me the customs declaration form (which asks for the package contents, value, etc) to fill out as usual. When I asked her why not, she said the rule had just changed, and there's no longer a need to fill out a customs form if the contents are not dutiable for more than $400. So in your case, if you did not fill out a customs form going forward, you wouldn't need to tell anyone it's shea butter would you? I'm not sure if you could get around it this way, but it's an idea.

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Who knows what goes through the minds of any kinds of officials, be it customs or post office or whatever. Half of them never know what they are doing and the other half are no better. And the regulations seem to change every 2.5 seconds. And the prices....OMG!

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They probably saw butter & thought it was a food product!

Next time maybe put bath & body supplies?

You could be right. I don't think shea really matches the description "Oleomargarine and other butter substitutes, including altered or renovated butter".
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