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revisiting warmers ~ quick question


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Flaxseed works and maybe you could make a pocket on the outside to place a cotton ball or something that you could put a couple drops of EO's on. Then place in pocket after warming. I made a flaxseed warmer out of a couple of my HB's socks. put the seeds in one and tied then put another on just to be able to wash it I need to. HTH

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm no expert on this by any means but i have made quite a few for myself and as gifts-i have a ruptured disk in my back.

all i can say is that i did try the essential oils with my flax seed and it seemed like the flax seed "burnt" faster-eventually your flax and whatever you have in your pack will get dried out from all the microwaving. plus, the eo "evaporated" so fast, you'd be better off just using flax seed-again my opinion. i've been making them for the last year and a half-and i used to use them all the time-as soon as it cooled off, it would be back in the micro... happy to say, i don't need it as much anymore.

imo, adding the actual herbs yourself would be better.

i do offer them for $10 plus shipping on my website. i don't have any made up right now, but they are easy enough to make. if you go to my website -here's the link to the herbal packs. http://www.dakotacandleworks.com/catalog.php?category=2 you'll see which herbs i use and why.

this way they last a lot longer than adding essential oils-from my experience anyways.

edited to add that i also add winter wheat to the mix, as i have heard conflicting reports that since the flax seed is small, it absorbs the heat faster and therefore releases it faster also. the mixture seems to work great for me.


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http://www.sfherb.com/ on the west coast and http://www.atlanticspice.com/ for the east. I bought a book from Amazon about making and mixing spices and herbs for the dream pillows. Maybe a search for dream pillows will find something.

http://www.microwavecornbags.com/ This place has a lot to read she has done a lot of research. Good luck. The ones I like the best are large and filled with flax seed and made from a silky fabric with the pocket for the herbs.

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anyone needs a tester I'm her gal! I need warm feet no matter what, and the BF gets all grumpy if I warm them on his kiester. I tell him that since he's the reason the AC is blasting he'll just have to suck it up, but...

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  • 6 months later...

I am making up some packets for 10 women in a battered women's shelter and want to include warmers in with everything else. I have tons of flaxseed but I don't sew. Is there someone among you here who can sell me 10 sacks that I can fill (I can sew enough to close them)

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Do you want them with the 3 "lines" in it? I've got tons of fabric. I'm not a professional by any means, but if you have a sew machine they are super easy. You just sew them together inside out, turn them back right side out, and sew 2 straight lines, then close it up....

When do you need them by? I would bet that there is someone in your town that would offer their services for free-I know I would. I just don't know if I would have the time to get them all done. I could sure try if you can find anyone nearby.

I love my warmers. They are so nice. Speaking of which, I need to make myself a new one as I had microwaved it enough that the flax seed & herbs finally burnt. Yuck!!


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I don't have a sewing machine, and I've asked around to see if anyone would make them but it's a busy time of year s you well know. I need to drop them off on the 14th, so would want them in a week or so.

I tried to find someone here to make them but no-go on that. Next year I'll plan ahead but I just discovered this place very recently.

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In that case, I'd be happy to help you out-mind you they won't be "perfect". Things are busy around here too,I will drop what i'm doing for something important like that. I'll see if I can't get them done this weekend. pm me your address so I know where to send them.


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  • 5 weeks later...

So you just sew up a bag inside-on three sides-flip right side out and then sew two more lines-on each edge?

Stuff with flax seed and sew closed? or have flax seed inside a liner?

I am interested!!

About to have a couple weeks off work and need a project!

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Camo - I want to thank you for the great bags you sewed for me. They were perfect and I had quite a (fun) time filling them and sewing them. Found my thimble after the 6th one.

I got a letter from the battered womens' shelter with thank you's from all the recipients - who couldn't even sign their first names- how sad is that! But the warmers were appreciated very much because the place gets cold at night. They said they also keep them tucked into the arm chairs in the public room in evenings to keep their feet warm watching TV.

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Camo - I want to thank you for the great bags you sewed for me. They were perfect and I had quite a (fun) time filling them and sewing them. Found my thimble after the 6th one.

I got a letter from the battered womens' shelter with thank you's from all the recipients - who couldn't even sign their first names- how sad is that! But the warmers were appreciated very much because the place gets cold at night. They said they also keep them tucked into the arm chairs in the public room in evenings to keep their feet warm watching TV.

crazycacti-what i do is sew one side of both pieces under to make a clean edge to sew together. then, i put the pieces together inside out and sew the 3 pieces together, then, I turn it right side out, you can sew 1 line or 2 (depending on how big it is and how much stuff you want in it. I usually do 2 lines, but for carebear, I only did 1 line right down the middle and made them a little smaller than usual since I didn't have a ton of time to get them done for her). then, i fill with a mix of herbs. I usually use a mix of hard wheat, flax seed, peppermint, lavender, chamomille, I also added some other root & bark herbs-don't remember exactly what anymore, but I don't think all those things are necessary. Then, when you have it filled, just sew the last edge together-either by hand or by sewing machine. I usually do sewing machine. The herbs are basically optional, but I like the "aromatherapy" of the mix of herbs. That reminds me, I've got the bag sewn, but I still haven't gotten it filled. Tomorrow!!!!

Carebear, :embarasse I'm just glad they enjoyed them. It made me feel good knowing I was able to help someone else this Christmas. I grew up extremely poor and we always got gifts from the "Giving Tree" where they put boy or girl, your age and a few things you liked. I remember one year being happy/yet disappointed that we got new blankets. Happy that we got something, but slightly disappointed that it wasn't fun like other kids got. My parents did get us stuff but it was rummage sale stuff. Looking back now it doesn't seem as important as it did. Now that I am in a position to help others, I do so as often as I can afford to. I remember how I felt when people helped us during our time of need.

I almost teared up knowing that they sent you a thank you and that they have actually been using them. How truly sad that they couldn't even sign their first names. I've been saying my prayers ever since read your "plea for help". At least they have taken the first step and gotten away from the abuse.

Take Care.


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Hey Camo/Heather- I'd love to see a pic. of your warmers-trying to envision the "lines" you sew, and just can't wrap my brain around it for some reason. LOL

I'd love to make a couple of these for my family members who have chronic cold feet all year round.

I'm definitely not great at sewing but I do have a machine (that's currently collecting dust) and know how to sew a straight line or two. ;)

Oh and I have two bags of flax seed in my freezer that I'm never gonna use for anything else, so thought I'd put them to good use.


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crazy cacti-i pm'd you the links too... hth you envision what they look like.

They are easy peasy to make. You don't even need all the herbs if you don't want to. You basically need the flax seed or whatever "filler" you choose. I use flax seeds and hard winter wheat.


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