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New storefront Critique?


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It looks good. My only pet peeve, is your logo that you have in the center of the page, I think you should move to the top. I see it is on the top of the secondary pages, when you click on photos to look at the products, but not on the home page, where it should be the most important. I also dont care for the box of google ads, only because it would make me interested in going to a different store instead of browsing thru yours. Your images are clean, (love cigar box purses!), but I also do not care to have products listed above my logo. The other thing I question is the Manufacturers drop down. Are you planning on providing other items in your store that you did not create? If you are, that is an awesome feature, but if not, I would remove it. I didnt click on all your pages, but you may also want to add to your descriptions the approximate shipping time. What I mean by that, is because it is hand crafted at the time of purchase (like the cigar box purses), you may want to put in there something like "there will be an approximate 2 week shipping time for custom orders" or something like that.

Over all, I think it looks nice. Good luck in your ventures!

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I agree with you on all counts but being a "free site" at the moment, I don't have a lot of control. Yes, I will be offering other products.

The banner seems to be stuck there no matter what I do :o(

Thanks for the input...still trying to get all my products up before I upgrade


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The home page seems at odds with the rest of the site. You have a banner then pretty much the same thing below..then the font is large. This is the page that will determine if people stay or move on. Don't like the google ads on the right and the comment about manufacturers I agree with.. not really necessary unless you will have others. If so, maybe turn on that module when you have the others set up. Otherwise very nice site.

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Hmmm....I went to have a looksee and got this.....

"Basic Stores Only: The server is too busy to process your request. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

Please note that you will need to hit CTRL+SHIFT+F5 in Internet Exporer or CTRL+SHIFT+RELOAD in Firefox in order to retry. Support Code: PPT.4.1"

Methinks you need someone with a better server....


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I really like your logo, it looks very nice! I would agree with a previous post about your logo not being the main picture on the home page. Put a really good product picture in there instead, or if can, a picture that shows a variety of your products would be even better.

Basically, when someone comes to your site, they decide to browse or leave within 10 seconds. So basically, there is a 10-second rule for your home page. It must load completely, with all pictures, in less than 10 seconds, and your visitors must know within those same 10 seconds exactly what your website is about. I had no idea what you sold (but figured candles or soap products since you're here on CT!), until I started digging through your product pages. Most people, if they don't know what you're selling from your home page won't bother to click anywhere but away from your site. It sucks, but it's a fact of life with websites now. It's an excellent start. I know how overwhelming it can be. We're redesigning both our websites right now. The retail is mostly done, I just keep forgetting to call the post office to find out why my account isn't linking up live with them. And then we'll publish. And I just got my temporary template to start putting together our supply site.

Websites are definitely a labor of love, a ton of hard work, and hours upon hours of research if you're interested in it being anything more than an online catalog for your current customer base. But it can also be a lot of fun, and it's so rewarding when that first order comes in... You will be dancing with joy! :highfive: Keep up the good work, and it's awesome that you're already keeping an open mind to suggestions.

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Can you cut down on the white space at that banner on top? Make it not-so-deep? If there's one thing, I'd divide your site up to distinguish the links from products, from Company description etc with grids or background colors. The whole thing is very white right now.

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