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Biggest show of the year! UPDATE-Day 3 Festival list for area!

Fire and Ice

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36 other candle makers WOW! The most I have ever seen at a show we have done is total of 4. Although, this is my first year attending craft shows. We are learning where to go and not too. I am in KY. I would like to check out some of these in OH for next year. I have a friend in Middletown, I will have to call her.

One question though, even though there are 36, each of them has something different, right?

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36 other candle makers WOW! The most I have ever seen at a show we have done is total of 4. Although, this is my first year attending craft shows. We are learning where to go and not too. I am in KY. I would like to check out some of these in OH for next year. I have a friend in Middletown, I will have to call her.

One question though, even though there are 36, each of them has something different, right?

A few have different things but many do strictly container candles. But I'm the only PURE soy candles out there unless you count Mia Bella candles! There's a crafter who tried selling those but someone (NOT ME) who reported her for a commerial product and she was told to take them out of the show!

There were two chandlers who claimed to have pure soy but she actually has soy blend candles. Customers are not stupid. My candles were sweating big time and her were not and the temp was the same in both tents. No sweating which gave her away. The customers cornered her and she finally pulled the PURE soy candles sign down.:yay: Customers were really myffed at her for lying about her product and they bought from me instead. She came to my booth and she was seathing, thinking I'd sent people over. but I didn't. I didn't have to when I checked them out myself.

Of course I was walking around, getting lunch when my friend said she came by and demanded to see me. She didn't wait around though and stormed off. My friend just laughed and said I was over paying next years booth fees at the information center. Never saw her but the customers in my booth were somewhat taken aback by her behavior. This woman wasn't loud but she was angry at me!:laugh2:

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I was in tent # 1 third booth in on the right if you entered from the walkway. I had red pliad flannel on my front table and paisley on the two side tables. Ephesian soy candles. I had strictly Pint size mason jar candles. Nothing else. I'm the only one that had open containers and candles burning. at my tables

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Sorry, I don't have a digital camera so there are no pictures. The set up is so basic it's boring but it works for the customers so I've never changed it. Just candles stacked one behinf the other; seven of each scent on the table with the first one being open for people to smell. I leave the candles open all day! It WAS VERY hot in the tent and many candles sweated bably. Especially if they were red:mad: With the hundreds of people milling through the tents, it was over 100 degree! This was the first year where heat was ever a problem. Last year I was bundled up in two winter jackets because It was in the mid twenties during the day and low twenies at night!

I was sweating my butt off. It felt like I was at First Towne Day in the first weekend in July and not the first weekend of October!:P

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