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Digital scales, weighing by weight :)

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well done the spreadsheet, all seems honkey dorey so far, but the proof of the pudding will be when I make each one :)

Had real fun with the spreadsheet, =sum of etc, oh my word, my brain has become addled staying at home with 4 little 'uns.

Tomorrow, I'm going to work out exactly what each candle is costing me to make. I'm also going to have a possible wick list by mould diameter.

Oooh I'm on a roll here :)

this threads suddenly got stars, is that good?

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I think the 4 stars are good but who knows.

You are putting me to shame. I sat the other week and went through what it cost me to make a candle per ounce - my god my brain was confused but realised I had been selling them for less than I should - but that's what I get for being lazy!!

I am going to take a leaf out of your book and get organised!! I promise I will.


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I just start from the amount of wax I need. If I need 450 grams (1 p) for a pillar then I calculate other ingredients with percentage on that amount.

If you use a 6% FO (that is 1 oz pp) you multiply 450 x 0.06 an you have 27 grams of FO. for weighing it I use plastic little cups for coffee I have in my office. I wiegh FO at the very moment I have to add it to the wax or it would melt the plastic.

Oh and the amount of waxx will be then 450-27= 423 grams to come back again to the exact amount of "materials" the mould holds.

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well now you girls are sorted perhaps you can take me in hand and sort my brain out maths was never my strong point! sitting here waiting for my delivery of 20 voitve molds and pins which i managed to grab for 22 quid, and searching the forums for tips and ideas, see thats what i do with a week off work sick!

i should get more organised cost weight diameter wise but cant get head round it!!

Ah well time for another coffee and bite at the postman fingers crossed not only will he bring my moulds but a set of divorce papers im waiting eagerly for :D

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£22, good deal :)

I'm waiting for my votives moulds and wax, and eager to start.

i read that for 1 votive you need 65gms of wax, I've times that by 6 and got 390gms. Which is just under 14oz, so rounded it up to 14. With my trusty little spreadsheet hehe, that makes 0.88oz of fo, so hopefully the scales will say 0.9 oz.

I was all clear headed last night and on a mission, now I've had a few more anti-biotics today, my heads all muddled :(

Hopefully when my daughter is at nursery at 1pm I'll have a couple of hours all to me.

If the postie hasn't been by then, I'll be driving round and hunting him down.

Its not the first time I've stopped in front of his van and asked where my package is lmao, they know me by now ;)

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was good deal but now wondering if i should of bothered as i cant make that many at once only have one wax pan, maybe i should of bought melting jug instead of holders!!

glad you have the calculations down im still confuddled by them all but then it dont take much!

wish i lived in the states been looking at aroma ornies and cant get beads over here:cry2: mind you not much we can get here!

good luck with chasing postie just wish mine would hurry up not sure which i want more the moulds or papers!! erm papers lol

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hope you get your papers ;)

I've only been married 8 months so bit soon yet, mind you took us 17years to do it lol

I got 2 really big pouring jugs for 25p each from a carboot, try one of those on sunday?

I have 2 pans that both of those sit in and a little porringer (double burner) I got off ebay.

Try charity shops too, they may have some

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Well the math is still pretty easy. When you calculate your mould wax weight in kg, divide by 28.35 to get oz's. Then add your FO accordingly.

I wish we could all just switch to one system, and since I'm used to pounds & ounces, the rest of the world should automatically switch to pounds and ounces to make it easy on me.

Gotta love it.


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