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containers selling $


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That is really too vague of a question. It depends on lots of factors, but for me it's how much I paid for the container, wax, labels, FO, wicks, and dye. After I total that up I typically multiply that by 3 for retail and 2 for wholesale.

That is generally how I do it, but it can vary depending on other factors.

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would any one like to share how much it cost to make a container candle. Also how much you sell them for?...


This is a question that noone is really going to be able to answer for you. There are so many different kinds of containers, waxes, fo's, etc. that vary in cost. It is something you would have to order, make and then go from there. I'm sure there's some talk about some of this in the search section, but it really is a difficult one to answer.

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I think you have to put in quite a bit of work in your research upfront - if you're just making for yourself than you probably don't have to worry too much, but if you're hoping to sell and make a profit, you have to get a clear handle of the full cost upfront; well before you start placing orders with suppliers.

A lot will depend on the quantities you are after and whether you can secure wholesale rates, get products locally and which products you are sourcing.

I sat for weeks with a spreadsheet working out costs for the various bits and pieces required to make and sell each types of candle in a range of containers. They've been chopped and edited and played around with so many times as I started to see better prices for stuff and learn where is most economical places to shop. It takes quite a bit of effort, but hopefully the work upfront will pay dividends in getting the selling price right.

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