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FO's on ebay...

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Just curious if any of you have ever purchased any FO's from any ebay sellers that AREN'T well-known suppliers....

If you have, what has been your experience?

If you haven't, would you consider trying them?

I would just like some input....some have some pretty good prices, but I'm hesitant....:undecided

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Just like with everything else on ebay, you'll probably find good and bad suppliers.

I would buy FO's off of ebay. I just sold some fo's on ebay. There wasn't anything wrong with them--they were just extra stuff I had that I knew I wouldn't use, so rather than have them sit in a cabinet and be out the money, I sold them and somebody else got a really good deal.

I would probably shy away from somebody who has a million scents listed at $.99 each. Without any evidence whatsoever, it makes me think they dilute their scents.

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Just like with everything else on ebay, you'll probably find good and bad suppliers.

I would buy FO's off of ebay. I just sold some fo's on ebay. There wasn't anything wrong with them--they were just extra stuff I had that I knew I wouldn't use, so rather than have them sit in a cabinet and be out the money, I sold them and somebody else got a really good deal.

I would probably shy away from somebody who has a million scents listed at $.99 each. Without any evidence whatsoever, it makes me think they dilute their scents.

I'm not talking about the ones who have leftover supplies bought from a reputable company....I'm referring to the ones who make the scents themselves and claim that they're uncut, blah, blah, blah....would you buy them from these people???

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I'm not talking about the ones who have leftover supplies bought from a reputable company....I'm referring to the ones who make the scents themselves and claim that they're uncut, blah, blah, blah....would you buy them from these people???

I would go ahead and give them a try... why not? You could be missing out on an awesome supplier. I would just be careful and not spend too much money on the first order, just in case they do turn out to have icky or diluted oils. Don't spend enough that you would miss it if you had to throw out the FOs. :D

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I really hate to say this but if you went to candle source's web page, their oils would have been cheaper than ebay.

I found this out when I first started making soap and candles and wanted to try a couple scents. 1 oz on ebay is $1.49 but 1 oz on their website is $1.25. 4 oz on ebay is $4.59 but 4 oz on their website is $3.89.

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Hi there,

I have bought from several sellers on ebay and have found only 1 that is totally awesome. Her id is byrd46740. She is a wonderful person to deal with and has customer service that is above and beyond. Her oils are super and she fills them up nice and full!! And her prices are super too!! Tell her one L sent ya!! You will love her...and her scents!! Have a great night!


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I tend to agree with Eugenia about purchasing on eBay! I've been making candles for 7+ years now and in my opinion it doesn't pay to try and get a "deal" from someone because you may loose out in the end! There are so many variable is FO's that to me isn't worth taking a chance over. At least with a reputable supplier, you know you're going to get the same quality every time. When I was a newbie at soap and candle making, I tried to get the "best" price I could and needless to say, the oils sat on the shelves until I finally got sick of looking at them and tossed them out. I didn't get any fragrance throw or the fragrance was nothing like it was supposed to be, actually some were pretty nasty and these were FO's that everyone knows what they should smell like. I say stick with the reputable companies and you won't go wrong. Of course, this is just my opinion:2cents:

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I completely agree. When I first started out, I was looking for the best deals...$10 a pd. I ended up wasting my money. Go with a well known company, even if you have to spend a few extra bucks!

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It always amazes me when someone will say they "make" their own oils. I've been to a Manufacturer's plant - and they sell by the drum or keg. So I believe those claiming to "make" their own are just probably blending oils they've purchased. :sad2: And you don't know how old the original oils are.

One of the other problems with oils from ebay - they don't always know how their oils will work for your application. In paraffin it may be OK - but not good for soy. Some established sellers can be distinguished by the number of stars and feedback...if in doubt, ask questions. If it doesn't sound sensible - walk away.

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FO on ebay is hit or miss. Stick to the established sellers. Candelchem is a good one.

I have to agree with Eugenia on this one I like Candlechem,,,I lost money with buying on ebay for my fragrances. I found out what causes Fingernailing from buying fragrances on ebay. I made some other pillars with FO from Peaks and Just Scent and NO fingernailing. Its a hit and miss and with the way prices are I would rather pay good money for a GREAT fo then lose it to ebay.JMHO

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When I first started making candles I purchased all my FO from ebay. I think it was moores gifts that I used. The FO was fine, I still have some odds and ends. The only reason I stopped using ebay for FO is that I found Peak and Natures Garden. I really love both there FO's and I must admitt I am a sucker for samples. When I get that free sample I usually end up purchasing the FO on my next order.

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I wouldn't purchase any FOs from ebay unless they have their own outside website (well established) as well. It wont do any good to find some good oils, spend all the time testing them and then go back a month later to order more only to find out they are no longer there.

I don't know about ya'll, but as much time and expense as I spend testing, I DON'T like to have to turn around and find that fragrance from somewhere else and start testing over :undecided

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