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Is it possible to get bright colors in parasoy?

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...or am I doomed to a life of pastels? I use KY Perfect Blend, and so far, all of my colors are lighter than I would like them to be. I've read that over-dyeing can clog your wick...so I have a concern about adding too much.

On the chips, I used 1 1/2 once in a 1lb mixture, and it still had that lighter pastel look. I use flakes too, but only the blue seems to be vibrant.

Would liquid oils dye it brighter?

What are your experiences/recommendations?

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If you want a deep color rather than a pastel, you generally need a boatload of dye in any wax that has a high proportion of soy shortening in it. Offhand, could easily be double the amount you'd use in a paraffin container blend.

It does increase the chances of wick clogging but that doesn't mean you'll necessarily have a problem. Go ahead and try making it the color you want. Use as many color chips as you need.

Apart from potentially big cost differences, it doesn't necessarily matter what kind of colorant you use. The colorants aren't dye. They contain dye that's dissolved in a base material, solid or liquid. The actual dyes in the different colorants are similar, so if you use a concentrated colorant (like many of the liquids) you may feel like you used less dye when you really didn't as far as your wick is concerned.

Having said that, it's probably best to use liquids with parasoy because it's easier and cheaper.

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We use UV from Cajun and it make the colors more vibrant and if you do shows (in or outside) it keeps your color true, no fading. I use liquid color from AAA candle supply and have never had a problem with cloging the wicks. I also agree about adding black. We do this for the really deep colors.

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