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Craft Fair...


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This question is for all you craft fair veterans...

I have several fairs coming up in November/December (this will be my first time venturing into craft fair land!!). I plan on doing cash and carry and if I've run out or whatever I'll be taking orders. For the cash and carry part, how do you keep track of what is sold?

When I've done cash & carry for things at my house, I've just written down what they want and given them a receipt in the bag.


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Guest EMercier

Iv'e always counted my stuff before I've left and while doing the sales, I keep track of what I sold. I'm not bragging, but I do have a good memory. I had one lady that tried to get me for a candle that I kow she took all my Lovespell that day because I only had two and I told her allt heo nes she got, needless to say I didn't hear back from her. I told her to check again. OK, this is off the subject. I wanted to look into a portable inventory system, so that I can scan or something while at shows and I know how much I sold and how much I made. I might think of a way to do that on a laptop.

I'm sure others have done it differently. Becuase writting a receipt takes time and most don't want to wait for one, in what I've dealt with.

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I take an inventory sheet with me - a one page deal done in Excel that lists each item/scent and how many I'm taking. Then I just tick off a mark each time I sell something. I've also got a blank column where I write down every sale $, and whether it was a check or cc. That way when I get home I can see how many I've got left, verify the count sold, and see if it agrees w/ the total $ sold column, and make sure I've got all the checks and cc slips accounted for.

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I use a sales receipt book from Staples. I fill in the event name and date in advance so it doesn't take long to write in the purchase. You just need to find a method that works for you so you can document what you owe for State Sales Tax.

You might also want to take a notebook where the customers can sign up to be on you mailing list.

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I'm like Robin. I have a Inventory Control Sheet (spreadsheet) that lists all my items across in columns, and all my fragrances down in rows. Before I head out I simply do a count of things, and write down how many of 'X' I have in a fragrance and put it in the correspoding box. Then when I'm done, recount and I know the sales.

I also try and keep a written record as I'm selling, but inevitably I miss things if I get too busy. The inventoty sheet helps fix that problem. HTH.

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One of the best investments I ever made was my cash register. It didn't cost me too much at all because I went to a show one time and the guy that had it was going out of the business. He sold me the register for $50.00 & the rest is history.

I now use the register not only in the shows I do, but the retail spot that I have now. It's one of those things that just keeps on giving!

Look on overstock.com, ebay.com or amazon.com - you can get some pretty nice registers for little cost - especially when they are used.

You will be so happy you did it and think about what your customers will think when they come into your booth and you have a cash register instead of a sales slip or checklist. That screams professional to me and I think alot of customers will take you more seriously (like an actual business instead of a home crafter)

*I in no way am dissing the home crafter, so please don't think I am - because that is where I started :)

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Guest EMercier

That's good if you go to an event that allows electricity. I've thought about that for my indoor shows, but there is a really good one which has none. Also, does this keep track of your inventory and what you sold? I thought of getting one that I can use along with my computer and it'll take out the inventory I sold. The package is roughly aroun $1,000, but I'm sure I can find it cheaper. I just want something handheld (like I said) with my own barcodes and such. I don't know.

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LOVE the cash register idea. Fantastic.

I also take a clipboard with a sign-up sheet for my mailing list. Just... don't forget to add those people to the list. I've done that.

Also, I keep a jar of pens on my table, seems someone always needs one. I put mine in a milk jug and have daisies attached to each pen - just about three of them. Here's a pic - you can see them hiding in the back.


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I use a little receipt book from wally world. I rarely give out the copy to anyone but it allows me to write down what sold, tax charged, amt collected. I also write in cash, check or charge and if a charge - the clients name. It works really well for me since my inventory is in an accounting system. The software automatically takes care of the inventory from doing the receipts. I also keep a running total of the bottom of the pages to see how I am doing. I do not use a page per order - we just draw a line after the entry. One book lasted a year. The only time I give you the copy is if they are leaving their purchases with me until the end of the day. If so, I have them fill out the top portion with all their info in case they forget to come back (this does happen and you need to reach them).

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