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Cracked jar... what do you think?


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Got an email today from a gentleman who said he bought a candle in my retail store for his wife for her bd. Emails me to tell me he noticed the jar was cracked and what should they do.

My first response -

Just bring the candle back to the store.. I'll replace it, no problem. I wouldn't be comfortable telling him to burn a candle even if it's a hairline crack at the top of the jar.. better safe than sorry.

His response -

He lives in out of state and can't do that. What should he do now...

My second email -

Just mail the candle back. I'll reimburse for shipping AND send a replacement candle. I just want to see the jar and see if it's a crack from handling or if the jar is defective (seems reasonable to me )

His response -

Don't worry about it... he'll just toss the candle.

My last email -

I offer to send a box, return postage included, packaging materials.. just drop it in and send back. As soon as I recieve it.. his replacement will be on the way.

His response .. pretty much ...thanks... but no thanks.. if he's in the area.. he'll bring it back...

HUH?????? My hubby says he's not buying the guy's story... and the more I think about it.. I'm not so sure myself. Am I just asking him to do too much to return it?? Or do you think he's just trying to score a free candle?? Since he didn't buy it online I don't have a paper trail and no real way to verify until I see the candle.

Anybody else received any emails like this? Oh well... long day :)

Take care,


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You have shown him absolutely exemplary customer service, if he can't put the candle in the box that you send him to return it, then I'd say there's no cracked jar to return! You have done all you can do, and he couldn't have asked for anything more! I'm guessing he was trying pretty hard to get a freebie.. if so, shame on him!!

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Thank you for all your reponses... I felt like I did all I could but just needed to hear it from someone not involved... I guess. :)

I don't get alot of these kind of situations and never one quite like this. (just lots of requests for free samples and charity donations..seems the enitire planet raises money now by auctioning off business's charitable donations :undecided ) So far no more reponses from him and I'm thinking I won't hear from him again. Thanks again!

Have a great day!


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I heard a very similary story on another board last year but the person stated they had received it as a wedding gift. When they were told that they could get a replacement by simply returning the cracked jar they said they had thrown it away.

Sounds like a scam attempt to me!


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You absolutely did the right thing! I ran in to this alot when I sold through a store on Ebay. People complaining they received the wrong size, or the wrong product (even though I TRIPLE checked every single package to make sure everything was correct...I'm anal that way). And like you, I'd offer to send them the right product if they mailed the other back (and I'd pay postage). Almost 99.9% would never email or call again, the other 1% just said, "Oh never mind". LOL.

I bet you never hear from him again. Sorry you had to deal with it!


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I ordered trays from Crate and Barrel a while back and one of them was cracked. I called and they said they'd send me a new one but didn't require me to send them the damaged one.

You went way out of your way to keep the customer happy. I guess he just wanted to try to get away with it, thinking that you wouldn't bother taking back a damaged product. I would do exactly as you did though.

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