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CP soap ingredients @ WalMart?


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There are several 'grades' of olive oil

walmart sells virgin and extra virgin that I have seen. Just make sure you select the right grade of olive oil in the soap calculator and you will be good to go. I have soaped with virgin and pomace olive oils.

You can cook and soap with most olive oils but I use pomace OO for soaping but would NOT cook with it

They also have canola, grapeseed and probably others depending on your walmart

My walmart is small and I have never seen any of the other oils

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Mine has safflower as well. And the usuals.....soybean (vegetable), canola, olive, peanut, corn, grapeseed....I've never seen a soap calculator that has virgin and extra virgin olive oil. Only olive and olive pomace. Hmmm...is that what pomace stands for for?? I must research that!


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I haven't found a better price for Lard and Coconut oil than at my super Walmart. So much so that I drive 45 minutes each way to get to it and buy 50 lbs, of lard and 25 lbs of coconut oil at a time, minimum. What I think is funny about the lard is that it is cheaper to buy the 1 lb blocks than the larger sizes per pound. It's even sheaper than getting the 48 lb block at cash and carry and it certainly is a lot easier to deal with!

I also buy my Aloe Vera juice there in the pharmacy as well as safflower oil. I think you can do better for olive oil at a store like Costco.


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I can find coconut oil at the Walmart Superstore about 4 miles away from were I live, but not at the plain ole regular Walmart a half a mile up the street, so I drive the few extra miles to get it at the superstore. They have lard, too.

I buy the pure (not extra virgin) olive oil in big containers at Costco for a really good price in comparison to other near-at-hand places. I love it in my Castile's.

I also find big bottles (32 oz) of castor oil at the mom & pop health food store down the street, as well as aloe vera juice in the half gallon sized containers.

And I just recently found out that tallow is sold at the Smart and Final about five miles away from me in 50# cubes. I didn't find this out until I had aready bought and recieved a 50# cube from Columbus Foods, which cost me big bucks to have shipped here. I'm getting it at Smart and Final next time for sure!

Oh, and if you happen to have an Asian market nearby, you can find some good soaping stuff in there, too. I get my coconut milk and coconut cream at the one in my neighborhood.


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