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Help---Oil slick

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I use a preblended wax for container candles. I melt the wax to 170 then add my color and stir for 2 min. and then add my fo and stir another 2 min. I use a presto pot and candy themomater(sp). I also heat my jars to 170 (lowest setting on oven) then I pour wax slowly into jars. When I get done doing to first pour I see like an oil slick in the wax at the bottom of the pot.

Any more suggestions?


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It sounds like your using too much fo, or pouring it at too low of a temperature. However, if you're only using 1oz per pound that should be ok.

I use a 50/50 parasoy blend ... I heat my wax to 190 ... then add color and mix well ... add my fo at 175 and stir a couple of minutes ... and pour at about 150-160. I don't have any problems with my fo incorporating at 175.

You should try adding your fo at a higher temp.

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I use 4786, 1oz/#; but usually add fragrance about 190. Try raising your temperature, and stirring gently for at least 2 minutes before pouring.

Occasionally, some fragrances, vanilla based, will not blend at the 1 oz/# ratio; then you can add a very small of Vybar 260, or lower the percent of fragrance.

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Thanks guys, I'm new to candlemaking and I'm hooked. It is so nice to be able to ask questions from people who are experienced and not feel like a dummy. I will definitly try adding fo at a higher temp. Beginner that I am I hadn't thought of that.


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Something to keep in mind is the type of FO you're using as well as the amount. While a higher temp may help, you may still have to stir longer. Heavy/sugary FO's tend to be harder to mix. You can't really go by a set mixing time, just stir until you can't see the oil swirl in the wax anymore. It's also helpful to not add the color until after the FO is mixed in good, it's easier to see in clear wax.

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Thanks Dat,

I do preheat my pyrex measuring cup, but would a metal pour pot be better to use? I started using the pyrex to save money. I'm definately going to add my fo at a higher temp. tho.



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Brenny.. this sounds familiar. I asked this question regarding my parasoy blend. I usually have an oil swirl that can be seen on my candle surfaces.. if this is what you are talking about, I think is is just the characteristics of the soy wax. It should not affect your candle quality.

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