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GW464 issues

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Anyone else having problems with this wax...I loved it, but, now I am having problems with the candle staying lit. Not doing anything different same wax, jar, wick and amount of scent...The wax I just bought seems much softer. Can't scoop it out of box and sticks to my hands, never had that happen before...any input would be appreciated. I have huge fundraiser to do and don't want a problem thanks

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I had no problems until just recently, this is from middle to late march....It is still cold here, there were a couple other complaints when I talked to my supplier....may have to switch...I wish i didn't because i liked the wax...Oh well, all in a day of a candlemaker!!!

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I am going to have to concur with you Breanna. I just tried the 444 because I was curious about the throw. Breanna is right the throw is much stronger with the 444 than the 464. I wasn't that impressed with the 464 at all. It was another hit or miss wax when I poured. If it was too cool in my house forget it it wouldn't set and I still had to go over it with a heat gun. Maybe it warmed up or too much in transit or its a bad blend. I would call the supplier.

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I haven't had any problems like this...but i have an unopened 50lb box at home right now.I will check it and see. For the people who have switched frm 464 to 444...how much are you having to wick up (generally)? I use cd 12's in almost all my scents with the 464. Accoring to the melt point of the 444 its seems I might have to wick up 1 size (approx). Is that about right?? Thanks!! I've been thinking of trying the 444 as well. Scent throw is REALLY hit and miss with the 464. But super easy to work with (for me at least!).

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I recently started using this wax. I was really frustrated at first because I would get HUGE sink holes! I finally figured out that if I pour at about 140, I eliminated the sink holes. I get great scent throw with it and the tops are so smooth. I really like this wax.

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I am going to jump in on this post. I got a new shipment of 464 last week and poured up over a dozen testers. Some are of my regular recipe's with "known" burning qualities and some new fo oil testers. My new batch lot # is from February and every single one of my candles have drowned out from that batch of new wax. I wick tested my normal zinc wicks, CD's and LX's with no luck. Each candle I burned started out good and ended up tunnel burning and extinguishing themselves in a normal 3 hour burn for 3" diameter jar. I have a counter full of candles I need to re-work but am not sure exactly how! I poured up a couple more candles tonight just to re-test wicks in a "fresh" batch hoping it was only a "Full Moon" thing (:laugh2: ). I am in the same boat as you Karla. My wax also feels very oily/greasy to the touch where it sticks to my hands. I've had a long stressful week and will test burn my newest testers tomorrow with "known" wick sizes that have tested fine in the past. I am currently at a stand still with production orders. If tomorrows testers fail I will be contacting Jason for help. Maybe he will see this post and chime in (??).

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I am glad to see it is not just me...my problem is that I had a lot of candles go out with this wax, including a fundraiser...I do not test each box. This is the second time I have had a problem with their wax. Once there was a bad batch of 415...My supplier is real close to me eliminating shipping charges, so have to stick with them. They don't realize how it can effect your business when they mess up!!! I have gone back to 415..hopefully the 100% soy can't be screwed up too often. Thanks for your input. Maybe some day I will try the 444, she doesn't carry that yet....have a great day!!!

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I haven't had any problems like this...but i have an unopened 50lb box at home right now.I will check it and see. For the people who have switched frm 464 to 444...how much are you having to wick up (generally)? I use cd 12's in almost all my scents with the 464. Accoring to the melt point of the 444 its seems I might have to wick up 1 size (approx). Is that about right?? Thanks!! I've been thinking of trying the 444 as well. Scent throw is REALLY hit and miss with the 464. But super easy to work with (for me at least!).

I have had to wick up with both 464 and 444. If you use Cd's its generally easy to get a feel with those wicks so it won't be that difficult to establish the size. I did like the hot throw better in the 444. It did flow through the room. I had to check the 464 periodically to see if the wicking was off because I could never smell after about an hour.

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I have had to wick up with both 464 and 444. If you use Cd's its generally easy to get a feel with those wicks so it won't be that difficult to establish the size. I did like the hot throw better in the 444. It did flow through the room. I had to check the 464 periodically to see if the wicking was off because I could never smell after about an hour.

I have sketchy scent throw with the 464 with alot of scents...a few throw quite well but MOST do not...I waste alot of money on testers!! It sounds like the hot throw of the 444 is better. That would be great. I hope the 44 is not hard to wick...I had a super easy time wicking and working with the 464...which is why I have stuck with it so far. I am ordering a few pounds of the 444 as we speak, though. Thanks!

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