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Would you give a discount?


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Hi all,

I have someone ordering 30 Hurricanes. This is my first order with this person. My hurricanes are pretty reasonably priced. Not sure though if this amount warrants some type of discount..is there a formula out there :)!

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When you said REASONABLY priced that was a key for me to say NO discount.My products are good and reasonable and really cannot go down much at all.In your post sounds like you understand that.If they don't ask or expect I would stay with your price.They came to you knowing what you charge.I don't know if a wholesale order or what but just a individual they know what is expected to pay.Give some samples to them of other products.That is a idea.


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No I wouldn't give any discounts. I would just send them a freebie. Like a sample of a tart or votive. That's it! I always do that when someone orders alot.

That's a good idea. Send them a sample size of something since people always appreciate a freebie. :D

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I used to feel bad if I didn't discount for my customers if they purchased alot. So, what I do instead is, I throw in a freebie. And if they are purchasing alot or are a return customer, I throw in a coupon for their next purchase. Might be 10% off of their next purchase or as low as a $1.00 off.

This way, you are saying thanks for their purchase, but not giving away money and if you give them a coupon for their next purchase, you are making more money from them.

Just my 2 scents.

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I guess I am the opposite..I always discount if they are ordering a lot. Like my normal candle price is $7....if they buy 6 or more they get them for $6 ea. I also throw in samples of my B&B products. To me, I would rather have the repeat business and have this person order in qty then to just throw in a piddly little tart.

To be honest, if I ordered 30 hurricanes from you and you threw in a tart...well, I would be offended and tell you to keep it....but thats just me. If I am trusting enough in your product and you to place an order that huge then I would expect some sort of discount.

I would offer to do a free hurricane or give her a free full sized candle for that big of an order. You will be surprised how much business that little gesture will bring you. That way you are out minimal money...just mainly time.

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I realize that I am not going to get rich making candles...I felt bad and gave her a discount and plan on including some free stuff too :)!

Thanks for all your suggestions...you guys are great!

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