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???not Enough Scent -using Cbl129???

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Hi all, :yay:

I'm new to this board and I would really appreciate some advice on making candle tarts/melts.

I am starting to make tarts/melts and have used CBL129 wax. I have added the fragrance 6% just before pouring. When testing the tarts/melts in an oil burner, there is no scent at all. :sad2:

What would I be doing wrong?

Should I be adding anything else to the wax?

I look forward to your replies. :)

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I've never worked with CBL129 either, but keep experimenting and you'll get it. You may need additives, maybe some vybar. You may need to increase the FO load. They may need to cure. So many variables...figuring it out is part of the fun!

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I'm testing CBL129 and have a great throw. Are you adding the FO around 175*-180*F? Make sure you stir it for a few minutes to incorporate it in the wax. If you are doing the above then I am at a loss on why you are not getting a good throw. Maybe someone with more experience with this wax can help out more.

Besides FO and color the only thing needed in this wax is UV.



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I'm testing CBL129 and have a great throw. Are you adding the FO around 175*-180*F? Make sure you stir it for a few minutes to incorporate it in the wax. If you are doing the above then I am at a loss on why you are not getting a good throw. Maybe someone with more experience with this wax can help out more.

Besides FO and color the only thing needed in this wax is UV.



agree with illuminated gifts, maybe you should add the FO around 170-180. I don't use this wax, but that is the temp that I add the FO. How long do you cure the tarts? so many things could be affecting the scent throw. hope you get it worked out:smiley2:

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As mentioned, it sounds like your FO is not incorporating into the wax, add FO around 170 - 180, and pour at 150. Also, with tarts it's ok to add more than 6% FO. Are you using a quality FO? That will also make a difference. Have you gotten a good throw from this wax before, or is this your first attempt?

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Smelly (sorry, I just had to say it:cheesy2:

I have not had much luck personally with candlewic, but others may have better opinions. What scent did you try?

Thanks debscent:)

This is the first time using the CBL 129 as Candlewic advised this was the best wax for tarts/melts.

The FO is from Candlewic also, are the FO ok from there?

Thanks for your replies....

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I use the cbl129 for tarts and containers and it really is great for tarts! I have one burning in the living room right now and I can smell it upstairs!

First, I agree with everyone that you are adding your FO at too lower a temp to incorporate. In fact, I am surprised you aren't having trouble pouring at that temp. Try adding FO at 175-180, stirring well, then pouring around 165-170.

Second, I would agree with Debscent that you might want to try oils from another supplier...you will see there are many great FO suppliers out there! I use oils from Peak, Snowtop (now at ICS), Cajun, and Just Scent that throw well in the 129. There are plenty of others too!

Third, did you let it cure at all? I would definitely give it a couple of days before burning. Even though it is a paraffin, I have noticed some scents really do get better with time in this wax.

Last, I use 1.5 oz pp for tarts...you may want to try increasing your % of FO.

Hope that helps! And this is a hard wax with a low melt point so you can use it alone for tarts...you don't need to add CBL141 or any other votive/pillar wax.

Good luck!!


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I used to use CBL129 for containers but never for tarts. It's been so long that I can't remember how much fragrance that I used though. They have CBL141 for votives and I liked it for my votives and tarts. Then I decided to use their straight paraffin 3035H...I add vybar and I add a little bit of container wax so it doesn't mottle. In fact I just finished an order this morning for tarts. I can use 10% with most fragrances but...really heavy ones like Sugar Cookie from NG and Country Gift Shop from KY I cut it back to 8% and use a little more vybar so they don't seep fragrance. You should not have to add anything at all to the CBL129...everything is already in it. I felt it was a really good wax.

I like Candlewic for everything except their fragrances...although some in their Ultimate Line worked well. I haven't ordered from them for so long that I don't know if they still have that line. Don't try their Banana Nut Bread...it really stinks. It smelled like burning rubber.

I've always added my fragrance oil at 180* no matter what wax I use when pouring containers. I use soy now and still add it at 180* so it mixes in well.


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jennhalcyon -Jenn, Thanks for your advice:yay: I will increase the temp at which I add the fragrance and hopefully that will help. The fragrance was Raspberry from Candlewic. I think I'll try PEAK's FO's next.

I'll try and burn a melt again today as it would have been about 3 days since pouring. Then I'll burn another one in a weeks time & see if that's any different.

Maggie -Thanks Maggie for your advice too. Similar temp to what jennhalcyon said to add the FO in at. Thanks!:)

debscent -I tried Raspberry from Candlewic and I have a couple of other bottle from them that I will need to try.:smiley2:

Thanks again for all your replies, much appreciated

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I've used the CBL for years and love this wax. Yes, repours are a PITA, but I've never found a one pour wax that I like!

I heat my wax to 200, add FO around 180ish, stir and pour.

Any vanilla based scent should be pre-warmed to blend with this wax or any other wax.

I usually add 1oz FO to 1lb wax for most scents. Only a few scents do I add 1.5oz FO.

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