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Help in taking pictures please!


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I've taken lots of pictures lately just trying to get one good picture!! I've searched for help and then I put together a light box with the plastic stearlite box and lights clamped to it with the "natural light" light bulbs. I've taken some outside on an overcast day - some on a sunny day too. I've taken with incandencent (sp?) bulbs; taken close up and further away. I'm just having a horrible time with this. I've used different settings on my digital camera too. I'm to my end!! I really need help!! I've taken pictures for my website and thought they turned out pretty good, so what's going on now!!??

Thanks for any help,



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A couple tips...

1. Invest in a tripod. I noticed an immediate difference in my photos. I also used the timer feature with this, and I had absolutely crystal clear photos every time. Trust me, no matter how steady you think you're being, you're no where near as steady as a tripod. I took several photography classes back in high school (I miss playing in that dark room!), and learned a lot.

2. Even once you get good photos, you're still going to need a good photo program to clean up the photos. If you're trying to get the "floating white background", you won't be able to get it with just a light box, and camera. You'll need a good photo editing program as well. I personally prefer Corel, but I know many like Adobe Photoshop. I just found Corel to be more user friendly for me.

3. I ended up giving up on trying to take pictures with white backgrounds. Yes, they look awesome. WHEN THEY'RE DONE RIGHT. I'm not saying you won't ever be able to, but you'll probably need to invest in some expensive equipment to really get what you're looking for. I switched over to the "decorative background style". Although I will still be redoing a number of photos. I feel like I got too involved in the background stuff and it took away from the actual product. We're rebuilding our website, but we have a few soap photos up towards the bottom of our home page. You can see them at www.blsoaps.com if you'd like to take a look. Even having a variety of different colored cloths, contrasting to help your soap pop, it still works great, and isn't nearly as difficult to achieve as the elusive white background.

4. If you still want to try for the white background, or even just want tips to improve your photography skills, try googling "DIY light box". It should pull up some websites with tips on building your own light box. Also, check out some basic photography books from the library, especially ones that cover things like composition. The more you can 'absorb' the better your photos and the better your photo eye will become!

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You never did say why you think your pics are bad. I agree with you, your website pics are fantastic!! I love them~ your backgrounds are simply perfect! So, what are your pics doing as of late that make you not like them? It could be a slew of things, but until we know what is actually happening with the pics, then it will be hard to figure out.

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I'm trying to take a picture for a different catalog. I'm part of GROW Nebraska (a group that helps "Nebraska made" products) and they are putting together a new catalog. Their pictures require a solid white background. I can't figure out how I could take the pictures for my website, but cannot take a single picture on the solid white background that looks clear.

I too like the photos with something in the background (like SoapersWorkshop said). My candles are more down the rustic / primitive line - now stark white!!

I'm determined to get it -- thanks for your help!!


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LOL, leave it to good ol' Nebraska to make things difficult! Have you thought about cropping out your backgrounds and puting the pics on a white background in photo software?

I find this to be a much easier way to get a solid white backing than dealing with lighting issues, but I'm no photographer!

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Susan, I am right there w/ you. I am having the same exact problem. I am starting to think it's my camera. I have tried everything & I have changed my settings, did everything you've done & still have no freaking luck. I'm thinking of investing in a new digital camera. Sorry I'm no help to you, just feel your pain~

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I take the pics,husband put on site and it usually takes me at least 2-3 pic before I get it just right.Once in a while it the first is good.I know right off when looking at digital what ones are not going to work.Go ahead and have husband bring them up and that way I see what I need to change.Like the background not just right,a glare on cello or a jar and sometimes lopsided and not completely straight.I have some pics with white background and look fine.

We seem to have to change batteries alot.Gets kinda expensive but we are always running out so use alot.Still only take at least 3 pics and always am OK with one out of the 3.

When I first took my grouping for a juried show it was outside.Fall time and I spent 2 1/2 hours just getting my set up just right and also getting the pics the way I wanted.Finally got it but seems when I did it outside it was a bear to do.I do pics in dining room now and do it before dark.Sometimes press my luck and do it just at dusk and turn on the light.They turn out fine.

With glares I just set the cello up a little straighter and jars angle a little.Like someone said they are having a hard time and about to get a new camera.Mine is almost 3 years and fine so far but the batteries get replaced alot.


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Prairieannie: Yep, it takes Nebraska to make things difficult!! Then on top of it, they say we cannot use any photo shop to improve the picture. I think I'm just going to have a crappy picture in the catalog, which doesn't make me happy!!

Dest - my daughter told me that my digital camera is too old. Maybe I should invest in a new one also.

The other option is to pay someone to take "professional" pictures, but that $75 (a picture) and that money I could use towards a new digital camera. I only need 2 pictures, but I'm being stubborn and I'm not wanting to pay someone else for taking my pictures!!

Thanks for all of the input!


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Awww, good luck to you! I hope it's worth it after all this hassle! I was tempted to join Grow Nebraska, but at the last minute decided that for me, it wasn't going to be worth it.. I'll probably be sorry lol, but what's new? :D

I sure hope you get it figured out.. try using freezer paper to make your backdrops.. and get in the shade outside!

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I tried freezer paper at first and it was too transparent and made the background look gray. I was then told to use white posterboard and that worked better. I've tried it outside in the shade, in the sun even . . . since I've tried EVERYTHING maybe it is my camera. But if I can take a good picture for my website with the rustic backgrounds that I want, I guess that's more important to me.

About GROW Nebraska - the first year I didn't see many benefits, but this will be my 3rd year in it and I have been getting more stores added to my wholesale list because they have seen my products in a GROW Nebraska store. For for me, I think it's worth it - right now anyway!

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I tried freezer paper at first and it was too transparent and made the background look gray. I was then told to use white posterboard and that worked better. I've tried it outside in the shade, in the sun even . . . since I've tried EVERYTHING maybe it is my camera. But if I can take a good picture for my website with the rustic backgrounds that I want, I guess that's more important to me.

About GROW Nebraska - the first year I didn't see many benefits, but this will be my 3rd year in it and I have been getting more stores added to my wholesale list because they have seen my products in a GROW Nebraska store. For for me, I think it's worth it - right now anyway!

It sounds like it IS worth it! That's awesome. I haven't completely ruled it out yet lol, but shoved it to the back burner with a lot of other stuff ;)

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