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Inspiration for the day.....

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Just when I thought I'd have to stop my candles for a bit (finances :( ) hubby walked in last night with 2kg of wax!! He'd made some money at work and knew I was getting withdrawal. Bless him, its so romantic, not like him at all.

anyhows, whats the inspiration for today? anyone any suggestions? I have a few bakery type FO's, several colours, an octagon and pillar mould.

oh and the suns finally out here :D

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Just when I thought I'd have to stop my candles for a bit (finances :( ) hubby walked in last night with 2kg of wax!! He'd made some money at work and knew I was getting withdrawal. Bless him' date=' its so romantic, not like him at all.

oh and the suns finally out here :D[/quote']

Awwww, sounds like he's a keeper!

Inspiration for today? Well, since the sun's out (by you, anyway. It's pouring here. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around???) I think your inspiration should be "think spring" or "fun in the sun". Good luck! Gina

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