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Critique my website please


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ok, i'm a little bit nervous about posting this for the "candleworld" to see-as i have been to some of your awesome websites, but i'm hoping you can lend me your expertise on how to improve my website...

i already know a few problems i'm working on-but since i do daycare and have 2 sons, time is limited!!!

those problems being-no picture for the tarts, and the pictures for my wood roses needs to be better-i need a picture for just the plain roses and one for the vases, but my mother has the vases that are already arranged-and she is much better at that than i am. If the wood roses work out good, i will be offering a choice of colors and different vases, but for now this will have to do.. I do have more tart warmers but have not had the time to get pictures of them yet... another thing on my to do list..

any other suggestions would be appreciated. the shipping is not added in, and i want it that way for now as i only want to charge exact shipping and that is noted on the first page...

here's the website... www.dakotacandleworks.com

please be honest, but if you see something wrong, or that you would change, please give me a suggestion. Looking forward to all the comments-good and bad...

Thanks for taking the time to check out my site!!!


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ok, broadzlla-thanks for mentioning that, i updated the sizes..

and before anyone mentions it, yes those are the pictures from first and main of just the regular plush, and yes, when i have more time, i will take pictures of my actual wax dipped bears.

mostly this is for friends and family right now, but i'm planning on doing craft shows etc. and getting this site "polished".



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I skimmed through it since I'm here at work, but I really like your product line, especially the herbal packs. Your website looks very nice. Congratulations and I wish you much success!!

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Thanks for the nice comments!! I really feel good hearing that... i worked quite a while on this website getting most everything i wanted done...

i love the nature/wildlife feeling, and hope to someday put that "feeling" into my candles, bath and body type stuff etc.

I just started in October so there is so much to learn. someday, i will try candles with wicks-but for now, i'm a little shy about that!!

keep the ideas/suggestions coming.



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About the only issue I see with your website is exposing the IP and hence exposing your account name. That's a major security risk. Other than that, the design is good and cohesive, has a real "homey" feel to it. If I were to critique anything else though, it'd be the logo...it's a bit rough. Take it out of GIF format and give it a slight smoothing, then save it as a PNG instead...something like this:


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ok, i'm a computer dummy here-how did you see that information? I can't see it-but then again i don't know exactly what i'm looking for either....

and i had to do this as a topper in this program to have it as my logo and didn't know how to clean it up..

what did you do to it? and do you mind if i copy that one?

Thanks for all the help...


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Aw...your new site is so warm, cozy and inviting! :grin2: My only issue is with scrolling. I have to scroll a long way down to see the whole site and then there is the dreaded sideways scroll. It could be just my computer though. Or my newly acquired carpal tunneled wrist. Great job!

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About the only issue I see with your website is exposing the IP and hence exposing your account name. That's a major security risk. Other than that, the design is good and cohesive, has a real "homey" feel to it. If I were to critique anything else though, it'd be the logo...it's a bit rough. Take it out of GIF format and give it a slight smoothing, then save it as a PNG instead...something like this:


If you right click your banner, then click properties,

in the address line is your IP address...:cool2:

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i see the website address now, so how do i change something like that?

and i don't have to scroll down very far to get to the bottom so hopefully that is just your computer acting up....

Thanks again for the comments. keep them coming!!!


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I only briefly scrolled through, but I did notice this in your melts section:

A unique way to change scents more often. Package includes 2 oz. of soy wax melts. Simply place the wax melts in your wax burner, and let melt. Package includes 2 oz. of soy wax melts Melts will last for a minimum of 8 hours. When scent is gone, turn off warmer, let wax cool, then using a plastic knife, etc. remove the wax from the warmer.

So you'll want to change that - looks nice, though. I'm working on mine right now and it sucks. lol

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Your site looks good, thanks for sharing.

Just wondering about your herbal pics, they seem to be linked back to the site you got them from at least to me. Once permission is obtained to use them they should be saved to your computer then inserted, otherwise properties show where they are from and you are using the other sites bandwidth when active.

If I am wrong, (and it wouldn't be the first time!) just ignore, lol.

Thanks again.


Edited, I checked again, the pics are not clickable so they would not be using the other sites bandwidth but they do show as coming from the other site, sorry.

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Nope, you're right Country Crafter.. those pics don't have to be clickable to be using the other site's bandwidth. The properties of the pics show that they are coming straight from the hotheadz site. Just thought I'd tell you that you were right to start with lol.

Cute site Camoflauge!

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i see what you mean-the actual herbs that are listed.

i just did that last minute. i don't want to get in trouble for that... i just liked the way they had their pictures done and since those pictures weren't selling anything... but, i do see your point and as soon as i can i will try to get that changed.

unfortunately, doing daycare, time escapes me all too often. it is on my list of things to do...

Thanks everyone for all the positive and helpful advice...

I sure hope someone comes back on telling me how to get rid of the isp address link thing... i don't want someone to use that to my disadvantage.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my website!! It really means a lot to me, i was really nervous about opening it up to the "experts" but i knew you guys would be honest and let me know what i needed to change. so far, i've been exceptionally pleased with the responses!!

Keep them coming, if there's anything that you think might be better changed, i'm open to suggestions.



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ok, i'm a computer dummy here-how did you see that information? I can't see it-but then again i don't know exactly what i'm looking for either....

and i had to do this as a topper in this program to have it as my logo and didn't know how to clean it up..

what did you do to it? and do you mind if i copy that one?

Thanks for all the help...


I could resave the image as a GIF but the fact that the program you're using doesn't allow you to use PNGs shows its age...might be time to ditch it. PNG has been the standard for non-photographic images for a long time now.

Anyways, here ya go:


Feel free to use it if you'd like.

I noticed you were using one of those website cheat programs...that's probably why the PNG doesn't work with it. You could always manually change the web code...that's what I'd do. :D

What I meant by exposing your account name is this...

that kind of address shows up in ALL of your image links on the side. It's probably a result of the program you're using as well. That's a security risk, it exposes your account name which can allow an attacker to brute-force your account to gain access. Again, if the program doesn't allow you to change this, you could do it manually.

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if i knew how to create a website from scratch, i wouldn't need my cookie cutter store. and i wish i could change it, but this is the first one i've found that actually works. i know it can be changed as i went to a few other create a shoppe plus sites and theirs have their actual websites in the address instead of mine.

can anyone direct me on how to change that manually, or do i need to contact create a shoppe plus.

not sure how anyone can get anything with that, but i don't want to let myself be vulnerable to anything damaging....

Thanks for bringing this problem to my attention - i know very little about website building!!! Seems like there is as much to learn about website building as there is about candlemaking!!! lol...


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can anyone direct me on how to change that manually, or do i need to contact create a shoppe plus.

Never used their software before but it's probably some configuration detail. You could change each document manually though with a search-and-replace in Notepad...but that might take awhile and I don't know if it would make the page suddenly incompatible with their program. You could try contacting them and see what they say, that's a good first step. If you don't get far with them, maybe someone could help you manually modify the pages to make them safer (I could do it, but I'm out all day tomorrow).

not sure how anyone can get anything with that, but i don't want to let myself be vulnerable to anything damaging....

Basically, the way it works is someone with a brute force login program enters your username, then the program tries passwords at random until it figures out your password. If the server is set up to reject multiple password failures, the IP can be banned (my server is set up this way, it really helps) but if not, then they can just keep running the program until they figure it out. Once they have your username and password, they have the same level of access as you do...or perhaps more, depending on how secure the server is (if they get in in the first place, the server's probably not very secure anyways). They can then use that access to erase your website or upload a different index page (called "defacing") or worse...in the case of a badly secured server, they can use your access to do crazy stuff like heightening user permissions which could allow them to cause damage to the actual server software (this happened to us once). Of note...this kind of stuff happens ALL THE TIME all over the Internet. Of course, if you're a small site that doesn't have a lot of exposure yet, it's likely to be awhile before someone discovers the security flaw, so you probably have a little time to get things fixed before you become a target. I'm not trying to scare you, just telling you what could happen (and has happened to many others).

Thanks for bringing this problem to my attention - i know very little about website building!!! Seems like there is as much to learn about website building as there is about candlemaking!!! lol...

So much to learn, so little time. :D

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