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Going Wholesale


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I could have SWORN that there was a thread on here stickied with wholesale tips on it.

I've searched and searched. Honestly!:o

Today I got a phone call by a small, local business who makes and sells beaded jewelry (home based). They want to extend their business to include b&b products.

They want to take samplers of my products to parties and place orders from me. Wholesale.

Most of the money that I make comes from home parties, it can be very lucrative, however that is one thing I HATE doing (especially the phone calls, like I'm begging them to have a party....ack!). I'd frankly rather be at home making the stuff.

Scratch that, I do love craft shows and farmers markets, I love to talk to people about my stuff, what I do not like is the going into peoples homes and "expecting them to buy it". Out here, there is a mentality of "I'll go to your party if you come to mine". So, for me this is very uncomfortable. I've garnered the reputation where people hunt me down for my goodies.

Advice? Point me in the direction of that damn thread if it indeed exists beyond my sleep deprived imaginings.


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