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Piping/using whipped wax?

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Does anyone use whipped wax on their bakery items?

Can I ask, how do you get your wax onto your candle/melt?

I've whipped mine up and made an icing bag from grease proof paper, I put an icing nozzle in, but it set in the nozzle after about 30seconds!

The icing bag started disintegrating. Now, I have an icing gun, a stainless steel one with varying tips/nozzles. I used this when making cakes previously.

Has anyone had any success with an icing gun? Is it quicker and better?

I know I could try it, but I'm worried about covering it wax, never to be used for cakes again, if its not going to work any better :)

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I could never get a pastery bag or the gun to work, the wax cools to fast and clogs up.

After the wax is whipped you can spread it with a knife. You will have to re-melt the wax in the bowl slightly and re-whip ever so often. I use a heat gun to melt the wax, in the bowl.

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  • 1 month later...
this maybe a very dumb question so please feel free to giggle at me but how do you whip wax?

This made me laugh, as I was wondering also how to make wax into whipped cream. These threads make me hungry, even though I know its candles!

Apple pie candles is waaaaaaaay down the road for me. lol

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I use a fork to whip the wax when a skin has formed on the top. Use the same fork to put onto the candle. This works quite well if you all ready have a wick in place - I make cup cake candles and pour the base of the cake and put in a pretabbed wick. Let it set then put the whipped wax on. When I use the fork the wick can get fed through the prongs in the fork (hope this makes sense). You can't make a whole candle out of whipped wax because of the amount of air used it would melt too quickly.

All the best.


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  • 3 weeks later...

but is it ok to mix both parafin and soy, ie if the body of your containter candle is soy then your wipped is parafin or vice versa, was wondering how this would affect what kind of wick used

There is so little on top, compaired to the body of the candle, that it shouldn't effect the burn.

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