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Whose turn is it for the Soap Fairy???


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I swear, she's been living here for two weeks now.

I've had two batches of salt bars with scorch marks, one CP batch that I forgot the FO on and it's still sticky 3 days later....and now I've cut my first HP batch and I have LYE POCKETS! Shoot me. Please. Put me out of my misery. I took pics...figured I'd try to give Grumpy some porn....NOT! Can I chunk this back into the crock and rebatch it?? I got no tongue zaps.

I just don't see how this damned thing could have lye pockets! GRRRRRRRRRR. I stood there and stick blended forever. Could it be because I lifted the SB a little and some air got in there?? I was just trying to get the top part blended in too.

I was going to go try the salt bars again...but I think I'd better wait. GRRR.

Can I be Grumpy today??? Better yet....I want to be one of the other dwarves today....I want to be Bitchy. GRRRRRRRRR :mad:




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I am fairly sure it is not lye pockets. No zap. I have never had lye pockets. But it could be air pockets. After you pour hp you need to slam the mold down a few times to make sure it is all settled. They are nice looking swirls. You can still use it since there is no zap.

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It's probably harder bits of soap that you scraped off the side of the pot when you put it into the mold. Likely it didn't get as much color when you mixed that in so it looks whiter. Lick one in that area to double check (if you think it's lye then rub a wet finger on it then put the finger to your tongue - if that seems ok then I lick it directly just to be double sure.)

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I'm gonna quit doing that when you all tell me to go lick it. Blech.

Man, CareBear...you got my hopes all up.....and now they are all crashed again. I did the "lick finger...rub on spot...lick finger" thing and my tongue just about crawled out of my mouth. Definate zappy. So, I licked another finger, rubbed on a non issue area and no zap there. Guess this will be another batch in the trash.

I swear I need an icon of the head banging on the wall. Could high altitude do this?? Man....:cry2: . I don't wanna play no more.



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I don't know how you could have zap unless you didn't do the cook all the way. I could be wrong but the cphp cooks most of they lye away. I agree with CB that it is probably the scrapings from the side. Don't throw it away, put it back in the crockpot and cook it some more, don't throw it away.

I use to live in EP, what part of town you in? I use to live on the Northeast off Rushing.

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I don't know how it could have zap either. I'm so frustrated right now. It went through all the stages...I quit stick blending it (after about 7 minutes) when it got so thick I could hear my SB bogging down. Then it got so thick I couldn't stir it...then we had the fizzies around the sides and the island in the middle...then applesauce, mashed potatoes and then vaseline. Maybe the crock pot was too hot. Maybe I did scrape the sides when taking it out. Maybe a butterfly flapped it's wings in Tokoyo. I knew there wouldn't be air pockets in the mold cuz DH was slamming it for me after I'd plop some more in. The white botchy looking spots are definately zingy. :cry2:

Small world, Brat. I live in Northeast not far from Rushing...we are off Kenworthy. Gotta love El Paso. I have mountain peak views from my living room windows.

ETA: It's a damned good thing I ordered some soap from Grumpy. Otherwise I'd never get to have soap!!



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Small world, Brat. I live in Northeast not far from Rushing...we are off Kenworthy. Gotta love El Paso. I have mountain peak views from my living room windows.

A small world it is. I lived on Juliandra, sort of kitty corner to Dowell elementary. You are right by Terrace Hills jr high. I bet you are younger than me so I don't think we went to school together. lol

My soap has never gotten so thick I couldn't stir it but I know it can get that way. I usually sb for about 7-8 minutes and then let it do it's cooking thing for another 30-40 minutes. I am sure you can re-batch it w/out any problems.

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A small world it is. I lived on Juliandra, sort of kitty corner to Dowell elementary. You are right by Terrace Hills jr high. I bet you are younger than me so I don't think we went to school together. lol

Oh, age aside, I doubt we went to school together! I went in Tampa, FL! LOL. We are near Terrace Hill...on the other side of Kenworthy.

I guess I'll go find out how to rebatch this....<sigh>


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The soap fairy definitely visited here, what a mess. I made Rosemary Mint EO soap for a wholesale acct, well the crap is crumbly and won't get hard. this is the 2nd time this happened with the soap (once last year) I can't figure it out, I am attempting to make another batch right now. Please God let it work, pretty expensive EO blend for bombers LOL

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I just kicked that soap fairy biatch out after my last salt bar batch came out looking like the son of Frankenstein. Wherever she is at right now, please place her in a double steel cage equipped with an invisible electric fence and give her a bone covered in barbecue sauce to keep her occupied until I make my Winter In Aspen restock later today.

Eek, no more licking your soaps fresh out of the mold!! You could seriously get hurt this way. Lick your finger then touch your finger to your tongue a few days afterwards, like 4 or 5. My soap is sometimes zingy fresh out of the mold, but it is still doing its thing for at least 24-48 hours after pour.

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ROFLMAO @ CareBear! Your evil twin and mine must be drinkin' buddies.

You know Grumpy.....my hubby may be blond...and he does have his "DUH" moments at times...but I tried that and he didn't buy it. Well, I should say, he started to pick up the soap and then stoped and said "WTF? If that might be a lye pocket, won't that, like, make my tongue fall off?" Wuss. No hair on his chest. :laugh2:

Gotta love him though.....all I have to do is screech "SPIDER" and he comes and kills it for me and then proves it's dead by showing me the dead body (so I can climb down off the furniture).



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