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couple of candles in the mould Q's

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what effect does it have to the appearance of the candle if you cool it in the fridge?

How long can you leave a candle in the mould to set without any detriment to the candle? (i.e. could I leave one in now 10.30pm and take it out in the morning, say 12hours)

also, is it ok to keep asking so many questions? soz, I'm learning all the time and you guys are brilliant xx

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if you cool the candle too fast, it could cause mottling and frosting. Candles are best left to cool slowly, preferably at a steady room temperature, out of draughts if you want to have a smooth even finish.

You can put the candle in the fridge for 15 minutes to half an hour if it doesn't slide out of the mould easily. It is absolutely fine to pour tonight and wait until tomorrow morning - in fact, it's best that way because you won't get impatient and try to force the candle out of the mould, or accidently pull the wick right out by trying to pull the candle out of the mould before it's ready (and I bet LOTS of people on here can say that they have experiences that joy.....me included)


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I won't make candles at night, only because you have to keep the relief holes open. I don't poke relief holes until a couple of hours later and then agian about ever hour, just to keep holes open as wax shrinks. I will pour mine in the morning and then do the repour before I turn in. This works for me and no suprises in the middle of the candle.

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no hun? Did you get mine about the moulds? If you want them - just shout and I'll send them up. I think they're both tin ones from Pourette - a cone shaped one and an octagon one.


Hiya Nat,

yep it was about those, yes please. I will try emailing you again xxx


hi connie, Its actually a photo embedded hurricane type (the one with no middle).

I just can't wait to see if the picture has turned out ok.......

I'm never gonna sleep now

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got 'em. have a look at the way you spell scentifique. a lot of people spell it scientifique - with an extra i.


or scentiifique even :embarasse

I've emailed you again, thanks xx

off to bed now, before hubby goes nuts!

As they do!

nite all, thanks for todays support and advice :) xx

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