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Bakery Candles, is there such a colour....?

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as pastry and cake colour?

I managed to get a brown today from my red blue and yellow, however, I couldn't get it milky enough for my hot choc, or light enough for pastry and cake colour.

I want to make pastry, cakes and muffins. Do you have to buy that particular colour? Can you buy that colour lol.

I tried lightening with more white wax and yellow, but it got to a yorkshire pud colouring, more like medium coloured toffee

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From my experiments, I don't use more yellow, that will turn the batch towards a washed out orangey brown.

If you want only a 'little' brown, then don't use as much of all three.

When I said that I used equal parts, say 1/2 tsp each, instead of using color, use only 1/4th tsp each. The white wax is only colored so much then. Try less color overall and then only smidge in different colors! :)

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I use alot of vanilla color plus a golden honey that makes a good pastry color with a smidge of white as far as getting a good chocolate color I use a tiny scrape of black in with the ususal browns and it gives me a nice deep fudgy brown color. ( mostly dye chips but also use liquid dyes too)

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How about ivory? Color sure depends on what you are making if you want it close to the real thing. Like blueberry muffins are not blue, which I have seen done, disgusting, LMAO.

LOL I use blue for my Blueberry Cobbler and I hate the color. But....it's one of my best sellers so it stays. To answer the original question, try brown lightened with Ivory to get the milk chocolate color. I use the color chips also and I am happy with the color I got for my milk chocolate.

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I use Ivory for cake stuff and for like Pie Crust, Fresh Baked Bread and lighter bakery stuff I just use one drop of liquid brown per lb. of wax. Comes out real well.

Thanks for this. I was planning on doing some coconut cream pie candles on Friday and was putting if off, lol, until I could decide how to make the crust the color I wanted. This sounds reasonable.

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I make pie candles all the time i just use a small amount of ivory color block. For the hot cocoa that you had a problem with i acually have a color block called chocolate brown. I'd have to check the shop to see where i got it. Hope this helps:)

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