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I ordered a sample slab of this wax for pillars, its coming from Makes Scents. Has anyone ever used this wax for pillars? If so what was it like? I'm hoping its easy to work with. I'll let you know after tomorrow what I think of it. Soon as I get something new to play with I'm right on it! How 'bout you? Dee

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You might want to talk to a supplier who still carries it and try to find out what the deal is.

OK6228 was a popular pillar pre-blend but seemed to be discontinued when IGI acquired Astorlite, so it hasn't been discussed much recently. However, some places still sell it and Supplies4Candles even calls it IGI 4750 -- yet there's no mention of that wax on the IGI website.

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Don't know who carries it, but IGI does list it as 4750A formerly OK6228. http://www.igiwax.com/resource/Pillar_Candle_Waxes


That's interesting. The reports of this wax's demise were exaggerated I guess. I've noticed Suppplies4Candles, Early American, DPS/Morris Wax still selling it, among others.

Dee, I haven't used 6228 but if you use the search feature or look in the archive of the old message board you should find alot about it. Anyway just dive right in. I don't think there's anything special you need to know beyond the general instructions for making pillar candles.

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I've been using OK6228 for about 3 years. I don't really like this wax for pillars because it's a preblend and doesn't rustic or mottle. I'm just not into plain pillars, but I do use it for votives and I mix it with J50 for my tarts. This wax has got great throw, however, it does shrink a great deal so you will have to do multiple repours.

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