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Turning a solid oil into a liquid...permanently!


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Depending on where you live will determine this... also, depends on what kind of oil that you are talking about.

Coconut oil (76 degrees) can be liquid if you store it in a warm spot, if not, then it is solid. If we are talking cocoa butter, shea butter, mango butter then the melting point for these are higher and you would probably have to melt them when you want to use them. They would stay a solid.

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The only way we have of doing that is blending a (melted) solid with a liquid. Then it will often stay liquid at room temp. But it may be cloudy.

Be careful if you do this. Make sure to stir very well before using a mixture like this. It's not uncommon for the oils to start seperating and depending upon the SAP values & fatty acids of each oil, it may or may not effect your soap. Meaning you could have a lye heavy bar or one with a higher cleansing factor and lower conditioning factor.

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